Merlin the Tuna

Agreed on the "shame spiral." I enjoyed the last game well enough, but at this point I think I'd rather explore the Tomb Raider back catalogue than have another go at the current formula. Treacherous, swashbuckly platforming with deadly tiger/t-rex fights just has a stronger draw for me at this point than a

Given that this is a Bethesda game we're talking about here, I wouldn't be surprised if it actually got system & graphical overhaul mods before nude mods. I'm always surprised that the enthusiasm around their games includes such a strong element of "I can't wait for X to come out, so people can immediately start

Fallout 3 is a completely different beast from Fallouts 1 & 2. And that's not just about graphics and gameplay; Bethesda has pretty dramatically changed the gist of the setting and series. If you want the "Full Lore Experience" as far as 4 goes, you actually just want 3 (and possibly NV, though I haven't gotten to

Wait, he's 2-6 thanks to building his entire fantasy football team around a 6-1 actual football team? That's… kind of amazing.

This feels like a weird aside to make, but Detective Strother writes some very nice reports. Concise yet detailed, and well formatted.

Also, this has nothing to do with the topic at hand, but while I'm venting about Bioshock Infinite… Prior to playing the game, I saw a bunch of reviews mentioning vigors not making much sense in Columbia's context, with no small number of comments responding that the story eventually explains it. So I pretty much

Spec Ops isn't especially subtle in the points it makes, though I don't think that keeps it from being a powerful experience. But I find it interesting that you go to Bioshock Infinite for counterpoint; I'd argue that BI stumbles into most of the dopey video game cliches that Spec Ops so brazenly calls out.

Ohhhh yeah that makes way more sense. Dorter is trickier, and yes being able to actually prep helps.

It looks like Her Story will likely be the next game for the Gameological Steam Revue Club, so I'll likely finish up my pacifist run of Undertale and get going on that. Why anyone would choose not to play a game that allows you to date a skeleton is beyond me, but I'm excited to dive into HS nonetheless.

This one has Christopher Meloni in it, apparently.

Hrm, no huge insights for that one, and there's no way to grind for it. Your male generics will deal slightly more damage than your females (and likely have a couple more HP as well). I'm not sure the difference is enough to actually matter, but using more men than women may help a tiny bit.

Time Mages and Oracles/Mystics both have pretty good basic attacks, since their weapons (staffs and sticks, respectively) hinge off of the character's Magic Attack rather than Physical Attack. For Time Mages, that means that you're doing a lot of Haste->thwack->thwack until you have enough MP for Meteor. And for

Ah, Gariland. I know this might sound a little condescending, but it is legit a sticking point for a lot of people: Are you aware that you have a full team to deploy for that mission, not just Ramza? The pre-battle UI is not always the most intuitive thing in the world.

What do you mean by "the first big fight?" The first one after the tutorial fight at the church? The showdown at Fort Zeakden? The execution site? The first spooky monster boss?

Does Nintendo have the rights to everything from SMRPG, or is it owned by/shared with SquareEnix? Geno tends to get the most fan attention, but I'm kind of shocked that Croco and Belome haven't showed up as assist trophies in Smash by now. Seriously, imagine Belome popping in, eating the nearest opponent, and spitting

As long as your party has good faith, you should be able to blast everyone to (frozen, electrocuted) ash without much trouble. They're one of the easier single class challenges, and in some respects are easier than trying to go through the game with a balanced party. Worth trying, but gets a little repetitive since

tchotchke </pedant>

there’s only so much even the best creators can do to build interest in
the perverse family politics of a slave-holding hereditary monarchy.

So basically WWE Space Jam, is what you're saying.