Merlin the Tuna

Hey, I learned a lot from those eye lasers!

Somebody needs to have a conversation with them about rounding. ("It's like a first down, for numbers.")

I know fantasy sports is kind of a crazy rabbit hole from having played fantasy hockey a few times. But these roundups always make me scratch my head a bit, because how in the heck is everything scored to the nearest hundredth of a point?

Snazz, you're great. Of course I know that it's all in good fun.


Nooooo, I hate showing up in Keyboard Geniuses just with complaints!

How you feel about ME3 should be pretty easily predictable by how you felt about ME2. Over the series, the gameplay consistently improved and the writing consistently fell apart. That's not to say that the trendlines weren't fuzzy sometimes (particularly since they tended to do better with companions as time went on)

2 was a direct improvement on 1 IMO, but otherwise I'm right with you on the co-op talk.

Vanguard in ME2 is amazing. It's kind of repetitive - Mass Effect is like that - but the repetition consists of teleporting in front of fools, punching them in the head to knock them over, and then blasting them with a shotgun while they're on the ground. Since charge repairs your shields and is on a pretty short

I can't see "Battleborn" without my inner monologue erupting into melodramatic SPESS MERHINE rants. Nothing good can come of this.

Knowing that Merlin will play more Undertale, it fills you with determination.

Hrm, really not a fan of Dead of Winter. It's just so aggressively… fine. And often feels like it's crossing the line into lazy. I think I'm grumpier about its fame than actually angry at it, but the times I've played, it's been a very flat game that struggles to justify its existence.

While your brutality is respectable, it seems like there's a fine line to walk between a name/avatar that will embarrass the victim and one that will just convince them not to post for a few days. Gotta wrap that iron fist in a velvet glove.

I hated the tight flask count limit on later explosions, which is why I mostly avoided them. And the long fuse still explodes if it hits an enemy on the fly (which was generally my goal) but it worked way better for misses and long-range tosses than the shorter fuses. I guess it speaks well of the game that there are

Monterey Jack! That ridiculous, ridiculous man.

Yeah, I thought it did a great job of being "the same, but different" in all the best ways, but the flask system felt a little questionable. I like the idea, but in practice I was just using the basic explosion and long fuse for 99% of the game. And while I love the idea of tinkering with your bomb setup to adapt to

It's so dang good. I grabbed it on a lark a few days ago in flagrant violation of my "clear out the backlog unless it's on sale" policy, and I have been laughing and loving it the entire time. And it's only $10!

Beautifully shot, and fantastic work with the music. But my bullshit detector is still reading "Ehhhh…." Abram's Star Trek cut a good trailer too, and it held off on the Spock reveal just like this one holds off on Luke. (Though for points of comparison, it definitely looks better than The Phantom Menace's or Man of

Yeah, Mario RPG! I've been circling on what to play next, and I think it may be time to break that back out. I'm always surprised/disappointed at how little it shows up in ye olde "Best RPGs" lists - I think it competes very nicely with Chrono Trigger and FF6 as a highlight of the SNES-golden-age and the genre as a

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