Merlin the Tuna

RPS linked to a bunch of previews for each of the SPECIAL stats/perks - maybe check out some of those?

"Fortunately, we had to eat what was left of the ship."

At the risk of veering even farther off on a tangent, is that actually how most Hindus would refer to their faith, stilted dialog aside? Hinduism is often referred to as polytheistic, but really it's no more so than Christianity. Yeah, there are different holy figures with different roles to play, but dogmatically

It's okay if we power up the corgis by having radioactive pugs bite them, right?

I'm actually really surprised that this hasn't resulted in an industry shift towards direct-to-trade releases. Individual issues are getting pricier, shorter, and more ad-ridden. Narratively, we're seeing a lot more focus on ~6 issue arcs, usually with good-ish jumping on points at the start of each one. And artist

Tip of the hat to "Let's Go Down the Wine River" from Super Mario RPG.

Part of what helps this is that the game does a good job of pacing out ammo for you. I remember being pretty judicious about spraying bullets but still found myself down to one or two magazines a few times. Even guns like the TMP, which you may not want to invest much in upgrade-wise, need to see use simply so that

But because the first four issues were slow—because like in Cyborg, the evil invading aliens are kind of boring—

I was gonna say, does the robot body truly need a six pack and rippling pecs? Reid is a lovely artist, but the design is really lazy-looking.

In his defense, he avoids the three biggest Hatesong pitfalls:
- Doesn't wildly misunderstand the song & its context
- Doesn't mention high school
- Doesn't spend the whole time coming up with awful, elaborate insults

Oh my, I could not disagree more. When I finished AP, my biggest thought was "So why do we let Bethesda and Bioware stumble through repetitive open world RPGs when we could get something like this?"

Probably diving in on Massive Chalice again, actually. I just wrapped up my first playthrough (Hard, Iron Mode) since it left Early Access, in a pleasantly tense limp-to-the-finish. The obvious comparison would be to XCOM's early game, when Thin Men are capable of completely wrecking you, but it's a very different

I love the teacup rides that have a wheel you spin to rotate the cup, rather than having everything spin automatically. Inevitably, a group of riders will contain at least 1 person who hates spinning but doesn't want to sit out a ride, 1 person who says "okay, but as long as we don't spin too fast", and 1 person who

I used that as my alarm clock sound for a while. Wakes you up in a HURRY.

That's the one where Superman dresses up like Batman so that nobody notices the latter is missing, right?

In other sports news, wow, that Patrick Kane investigation sure is a gigantic shitshow!

Off the top of my head? Birthright. Most of his appearances in Superman:TAS or Justice League (Unlimited). Secret Identity. Morrison's JLA. For The Man Who Has Everything.

I have a Wii and a PC. So I could play Twin Snakes (~MGS1) on the former and Substance (~MGS2) on the latter, right? 3 and 4 I'm still out of luck on it looks like.