Merlin the Tuna

I don't know nearly enough about schizophrenia to agree on that front, but the dense, totally-bonkers lore has definitely kept me away from it. And it's a fascinatingly difficult series to actually keep up with, given how many systems it's spread across.

Oh hey, teledildonics. I have an old college friend whose teledildonics company is being sued by a patent troll! That's pretty much the universal sign that your industry has hit the big time, right?

If they had an infinite number of precogs, sure, you could get to the point where you're really dang sure of the system's accuracy. But in the movie, they only have three - even if those three agree, who's to say that a fourth precog wouldn't see something else? And if those four agree, who's to say that a fifth

To add on to that, publishers are probably concerned about blowback. If they start weeding out creators, it's only a matter of time before one that's been burned shines a light on editors that are pulling the same garbage. The old boy's club falls apart as soon as you start kicking people out.

Yes! But my question to you now is: in what way would an article with a bunch of anonymous quotes be less preferable to the current situation? That wouldn't fix the problem - we're not anywhere near that until we see a bunch of hirings, a bunch of firings, and a splash of prosecution - but it would at least a step in

My point is that publishers have been doing this for ages, and nebulous tut-tutting in their general direction is not going to change anything. If they were interested in making this change without their feet getting put to the fire, they'd have done it years ago. That is where journalism needs to take the reins.

Here's what I don't get: Okay, DC, and to a somewhat lesser extent Marvel, and to a somewhat lesser extent Image, are frequently awful workplaces and especially awful for women. Got it. Believe it. Right there with you. The comics industry might as well be the food industry for all the integrity it's got flying about.

Hey, XCOM2 just posted a new alien preview, I wonder what it looks li- JESUS FUTZIN' CHRIST

I'm saying that's not a change of topic at all. "They're only interested in movie pitches and have never/will never listen to fans" is directly relevant in the case of KSD's Captain Marvel, which has only survived due to paying attention to a rabid fanbase that is not substantial enough to single-handedly propel it to

That's a weird tack to take in the comments of an article about Captain Marvel, a consistent underperformer that Marvel has kept alive for years thanks largely in service to its rabid fanbase. (I wasn't aware of any writer/fan kerfuffles recently - mind sharing?)

Sci-fi & fantasy get a lot of flak for this, but really names for everything in the world are about this goofy. "Nevada" is the Spanish word for "snowy" because the mountains had snow on them - not a big difference. We just accept that as not-terrible because it's been around for a while and is in another language.

It was very cool, right up until the forest world map, where the normal and secret worlds opened up a bunch of the same paths but each individual exit counted towards your completion. Made it impossible to spot-check which exits you hadn't found yet.

One of the commenters at the Dissolve wrote a fun defense of the movie a while back that made that a central point. Basically, even without direct imports(bob-ombs, yoshi, etc.), the story veering off-script is true to the spirit of the games by putting the viewer as out of their element as a first-timer to the game

Play more Catan?

For having the appearance of logical reasoning behind them (as opposed to, say, “This is the New York Jets’ year!”)

There are enough not-dredge that if you earn the "Innocent" achievement, Alette will probably not be level 5 for the final battle. It's still a pretty even structure of "making a decision or two, fight a battle, rinse & repeat" but between the enemy types and random layouts, there's at least a little bit of variety to

Fallout 1 and 2 are just kind of slow and clunky, UI-wise. I don't think there's really a way around that.

Valkyria Chronicles is back! Or more accurately, my computer is back, following my 6-year-old graphics card asploding a couple weeks ago and the new one finally arriving. Elsewhere, I was able to wrap up another playthrough of Banner Saga on my laptop, and still owe the review club another brain dump on that.

You're a dread pirate! Don't lower your wanted level! That's like playing Saints Row and obeying traffic laws!

Still not as bad as the Twilight manga's!