Merlin the Tuna

Greg Horn draws things that look like porn, Greg Land looks at porn and occasionally draws.

I do love the idea of trying to convert Catholics by cutting open other Catholics and displaying their innards, though. That seems like a rock-solid plan that would absolutely never come back to bite anyone.

Eh, it's got its ups and downs. Dark Souls (the first) reminded me a bit of Evangelion, which used Christian symbols and terminology as part of its effort to be deep and affecting. But the producers later copped to being totally unfamiliar with the specifics of Christianity (fairly common in Japan, as I understand)

My understanding is that it's more of a traditional third-person action/stealth game - follow the script to the end of a linear level, watch a boring/ridiculous cutscene, don't get spotted by guards along the way. The rest of the series, and particularly Blood Money is more of a sandbox-y puzzle game. Sure, you can

Snipers are basically on the cusp of usefulness for me at this point. I usually bring one along, and I'd say I actually give them a (single) turn about half the time. The big issue for me isn't their movement range, though that hurts. It's their inability to one-hit kill units in cover. That limits their target

Hate to be a downer (note: this is not true) but as a heads up, Hitman: Absolution was near-universally hate. Haven't played it myself, but it's in the Metroid: Other M zone, where fans would like to pretend it doesn't exist but loathe it too much to even do that. Hitman: Blood Money was pretty fun though, and as I

The initiative system seriously neuters the significance of a numbers advantage though. It's still there - I totally disagree with anyone that suggests you're better off with 2 max-level units than 6 mid-level ones - but it's not the end-all-be-all that it is in most other SRPGs. I'm with duwease on this one; it's a

Valkyria Chronicles, wachow!

I really like the thematics of the card as well - you're betting that you can win in the 3 turns before the deal bites you - but I also love that since this is Magic, there are a billion ways to just spike the enchantment. It's just so perfectly goofy, the idea of a wizard selling his soul to the devil, then calling

Can we turn Magic into an elaborate babysitting exercise via mini-game?

I held off on Nageki until I had done all of the other birds since I assumed he was just a boring old shy book nerd. Hohoho, was I ever wrong on that one.

Oh, Selvaria's an unpleasant surprise, but I don't think she's the worst part of the mission at all. Some of the Fire Emblem games loooove jerkbag reinforcements that appear out of nowhere behind your lines on Turn X - it's annoying, but it's a thing you can get used to and expect (after getting burned by it once).


Valkyria Chronicles, hoooooo!

I love the concepts at play in Valkyrie Profile, even though my only experience with it has been via LP. That system of building up your characters only to lose them from your party stands in direct contrast to the traditional RPG structure of "get 8 companions, use the same 2 for the entire game." I wonder if we're

Yeah, if I have any grumps with Hatoful, it's (1) a few of the birds have "true vs. normal" endings that are basically total padding, and (2) you need to be pretty singleminded in your pursuit of birds, else you will get Hawk Nation'd. Though the latter is partly because the game is so short - you don't have lengthy

They do have internet, cell phones, and what not, and I always got the impression that they were using old human buildings, so I think they grew up at least somewhat. I don't think they really locked that down though.

The presence of auto-aim means that bad players are less bad (since the auto-aim means they're less likely to be totally helpless) and good players are less good (since it takes less precision to hit maximum accuracy/headshots/etc.). Basically, raises the skill floor and lowers the skill ceiling. Not having twitchy

A game where you had to socially sneak your way through Columbia via charm, insight, and graft would also make for a lot more interesting exploration of the themes and politics, too. Much better than "Oh I guess you shoot the black people now, too."

So, Downers North or Downers South? There is no "Downers Grove High School."