Merlin the Tuna

If there's still any kind of a playerbase for the console versions - I assume console was a requirement here - I'd actually suggest using TF2. Whereas the PC version has sprawled into a boondoggle of bizarre items (many of which are perfectly fine on their own) and silly hats, the console versions are still pretty

At the very least, don't try to learn fps fundamentals in a game with a bunch of RPG goofiness bolted on.

Oh yeah, no question on the child pornography charges. It's just the specifics of the prostitution charges that seems a little weird. I had forgotten that traveling across state lines explicitly for sex with a minor is a crime in and of itself; that's on the books specifically to prevent traveling to states with lower

Wait, so is it not even that part that's illegal, just that he hired prostitutes? Or is it significant legally that the prostitutes were minors even though they could provide consent under the law?

Wait, so is it not even that part that's illegal, just that he hired prostitutes? Or is it significant legally that the prostitutes were minors even though they could provide consent under the law?

While I'm not the biggest fan of Bethesda, the #3 mod on NexusMods for F3 is one that removes the green filter. And the top two are technical tools - one eliminates an annoying error message and the other is a mod manager.

There's a difference between visual novels & action games though. Your Maddens and NBA games are putting that action together on the fly, which like you say, is good as long as you aren't zoomed in too closely. But there's plenty of good cutscene animation in the industry and nothing preventing that being used for

Yeah, I had a similar issue with Kaidan in ME1 that I mentioned in last week's WAYP.

I loved Rosa's Scrooge comics for the same reason! There's nothing quite like reading a story about a pantsless duck prospecting for gold only to get a meticulous diagram of a mining sluice and an explanation of how it works. I haven't gotten to many of Barks's yet, but I'm kind of amazed that both he and Rosa aren't

"Asha, I'm looking for rough sex, but Kinzie scares the shit out of me."
"Fine. But I stay on top, and you don't get to talk."

Worth it for more than the weirdness factor. It's goofy and hilarious, but also touching and incredibly creepy. Got a great discussion out of it on the Steam group.

I feel the same way! Although I think I've further doomed myself by not getting into the massive-RPGs-du-juor. No Witcher and No Dragon Age makes comments hard something something.

My strongest memory of Kaidan was playing FemShep in ME1, making chitchat with him but romancing Liara. Then, near the end of the game, he barges into my office and angrily demands that I choose which of them I really love. Um, the one that I expressed literally any non-professional interest in?

I remember it going something like: Batman chews him out a bit for "not getting" Gotham, Superman doesn't care and helps fix up a power plant, Gotham gets all needy and corruption-y and overruns the plant. Supes gives up and goes back to Metropolis.

Even better, they could stop designing games where you acquire notable amounts of "junk." </grump>

I find I mostly notice good music when I also happen to love the game itself, but Braid really stands out as a game I remember by ear. The platforming puzzles are perfectly fine, but the peaceful violin pieces on the earliest levels have been lodged in my ears for years now.

(It's a parody news site.)

That's a valuable counterpoint. You don't watch Burton's Batman to see young Bruce Wayne get sad about his dead parents; you see a fully-formed Batman who learn that the gangster he happens to be dealing with is coincidentally the multi-degree grad student who killed his parents.

Tim Burton's Batman also deals with the origin, and in a particularly dumb way!

I won tickets for this, then was told they didn't have any seats when we actually showed up for the screening! Boo urns, would not contest again.