Merlin the Tuna

Animal Crossing has a gloriously twisted entry in the LP Archive, in case you haven't seen it.

I don't think anyone was fighting them for the rights to owlbears.

Are you at Gen Con for the whole weekend, or just a couple days?

I think that consoles are preferred for the head-to-head races (which IMO are the high point of AGDQ) simply because you don't have stuff like loading times mucking up the competition. Cool history lesson though!

For you, the day you watched Street Fighter was the worst day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.

ComicsAlliance had a decent piece a while back where they asked comics artists to assign athletic body types to various comics characters. Seems relevant.

That (weapons)… sounds really fiddly and annoying. I'd rather just go back to FE7 & 8's weight vs. constitution tradeoff, which introduces the strategic choice without needing to screw up the mechanical elegance.

I'm hopping on the Telltale train, chipping away at Walking Dead: Season One. I'm only partway through episode 2 (just made it to the suspiciously pleasant dairy farm) but so far, so good. It's a little disappointing that the neutral dialog options lean more towards "fence sitter" than "mediator," but what can you do?

Wait, you advanced in Fire Emblem even though you had units die? I had no idea people actually played like that. D:

"Pegasi don't trust males" is a connection to old Greek myth, wherein unicorns could only be ridden by virgin women. (Given that unicorns were renowned for their healing properties, this likely fed into the "healer = girl" RPG trope as well, though there's probably more correlation there than causation.) It's wrapped

The only strike against Batgirl of Burnside, in my mind, is that Bryan Q. Miller's Batgirl exists, and it's both (A) exceptional and (B) the obvious inspiration for the Burnside stuff.

Yeah, it's been on my wishlist forever, then I meant to buy it for the review club, then the response was totally tepid so I never actually bought it. :(

And I think I'd be okay with that, if he were consistently bad at it. But there are glimmers of hope! The finger scene is gut wrenching, and little details like the rhythm to your breathing totally sell it. The electric field thing, where you need to contort your fingers weirdly in order to get Ethan to contort his

Chrono Trigger's New Game+ seems to differ primarily from those that came after in that (A) it offers zero additional challenge, and (B) it exposes existing alternate paths through the base game that are technically possible on your first time through but would be ridiculously tedious. (The only exception being the

His 400th Make a Wish visit was in April 2014. It's great, but a little mind-boggling.

I'm curious to go back and watch Knocked Up again, because at the time I didn't think Heigl was nearly as shrill as everyone (her included) thinks. Certainly she spent a fair portion of the movie being upset, but mostly my memory is that that was a result of Rogen consistently being a fuckup. A well-meaning fuckup, to

Are you reading the Cinderella side stories, like From Fabletown with Love? Those are generally pretty fun.

Trauma Center: New Blood had a level where your doctors need to dissect a puzzle game in order to get a key to escape from captivity. And a surgery game show. Also, you take part in a South American revolution.

I also have a lot of love for Joe & Ronnie Lott's Tivo commerical from a few years back.

Such fond memories of "Only idiots would get confused by Asha vs. Osha!" threads.