Merlin the Tuna

During my trip through Rome a few weeks ago, we definitely saw potato pizza in a few places, and it was delicious every time. It always looked more like an au gratin potato though; thin, circular slices, with only olive oil and hint of mozz. (No tomato sauce.) Definitely worth a try, and it's better than any potato

I wish I could get as worked up about simple variations on everyday things as New Yorkers do about deep dish pizza.

Pequod's is generally in contention for the best deep dish in the city. Whoever took you there is a true friend.

Finally finished the delightfully surprising Hatoful Boyfriend last night, so I think I'm all in on Call of Juarez: Gunslinger for the moment. The framing device of the game - a gunslinger sharing and correcting his exploits with a bunch of folks in a saloon - is incredibly charming, and the in-game retcons are a lot

The chronal reconstruction won't be exact, but don't worry; no one ever forgets.

Back in the high school and college days, summer was a great time to jump into huge "project" games like RPGs that benefit from long play sessions. I kind of feel like that dynamic has completely flipped nowadays, since the ole 9-to-5 doesn't care what season it is, time with friends is a little harder to come by, and

I did that same summer job for the Illinois Department of Transportation! They pitched it as an engineering internship, which is kind of hilarious. But nobody was offering any actual engineering gigs to kids who had only finished their freshman year, and the pay was pretty decent ($12.50/hr in 2005) so I went ahead

Basically, enemies will get increasingly tougher based on time (not progress) and you need countries to not leave due to panic. Beyond that, the midway part of the game is an assault on an alien base, and that can be a pretty brutal endurance match if you've put it off long enough for it to be filled up with mid- and

This weekend I’m playing Get Married and Italian Honeymoon. Smell ya later, nerds! (And have a great couple weeks I love you guys just not enough to marry you anyway byeeeeeeee)

The funnier bit is that in multiplayer chat, the game automatically censors the word "shenanigans" because it includes the substring "niga."

Do you like gladiator movies?

Probably better to base this around streaming services like Twitch (and now Steam), since there's a more back and forth between viewer and player, but I like the idea.

Is your game better to play while drinking intensely, or while exercising intensely?

If your game was banned in America for some reason, who would your target audience be, and what would you change about your game to appeal to them?

Has any appreciable progress been made on that front though? GTA 5 is only marginally bigger than the now-11-years-old San Andreas, and is it any richer in terms of gameplay? (I don't know, because I stopped caring about the series at GTA3, and very little seems to have changed since then beyond a few new minigames.)

Even avoiding frills, I'd argue that the entire mindset of "We'll just add more RAM and a faster processor" is a gimmick. You get more polygons, more bloom, and fancier shadows, but… who cares? We're well past the point of diminishing returns for graphical fidelity, and those bigger numbers don't seem to be yielding

Is anyone not prioritizing expensive gimmicks?

Meaning no disrespect to Tampa, the owner of the Hawks during that stretch was a pennypinching asshole that was basically doing everything he could to torpedo the team. I don't blame fans for lapsing during a time when they couldn't even watch the games on TV, in Chicago.

Just at the time, I think. The mouse hadn't yet been established as the go-to control scheme for FPS, and Doom was functionally a 2D game - there were staircases, but vertical aim was handled automatically by the game. By comparison, twin-stick controls would be a huge leap forward.