Merlin the Tuna

I assume that means you saw the XCOM 2 announcement? Less than 6 months out!

Well, to a certain extent, "in order" is best to worst if you're skipping Metroid 1 and 2. After all, that would be:

What kind of heartless animal says "My favorite level was the underwater one?" :P

Counterpoint: Holy butts, XCOM 2 announced, with trailer, actual details, and a release date in less than 6 months!

The wights were actually my one quibble with the episode. Okay, fire kills them, got it. But it seems like good old-fashioned blunt force trauma is also enough, from this and previous battles. Except that that also seems to stand in contrast to them all standing up after leaping off of the cliff.

She's going to get trapped in a protracted war with Balon Greyjoy to establish the Least Relevant Ruler of Westeros.

Also in Jon/Dany parallels, Jon got to deliver a less-snarky-but-far-more-effective version of Dany's "You can live in my new world, or die in the old one" speech from a little while back.

All it was missing was the Night's King yelling "CAAAAAAN YOUUUUU DIG ITTTT?"

I don't think so, because it's utterly drama-less. If dragons can kill white walkers, they just soar overhead and hose down the entire army of the dead effortlessly. I think it's more likely that the dragons make an appearance, but the cocksure expectation that they're unstoppable WMDs leads to them standing their

The whole point of punitive damages is that they're way beyond what the plaintiffs ask for. The idea is that not only is the plaintiff clearly in the right, but the defendant has the resources to settle similar cases for tons of future such plaintiffs. So rather than letting McDonald's burn off genitals for years to

Castlevania's turkeys and pot roasts have long been a favorite, but I also have to give a shout out to elemental weapons. One of the more useful tricks for a number of Final Fantasy Tactics challenge runs is to equip your units with Ice Shields (which absorb ice damage) and Ice Brands (which deal it), then have them

That definitely helped, but Blackest Night was also around the inflection point where the rainbow lantern corps started feeling to me like Johns had disappeared up his own butthole. The callbacks to Moore's Lantern work were really effective in SCW; there's a wonderfully mythic feeling to everyone hemming and hawing

Sinestro Corps War, probably. It's a little dumb, but it's dumb in that perfectly ridiculous "Shit just got reaaaaal" way and doesn't spread itself over a million different tie-ins. Plus it ends with 3 Lanterns with dead power rings having a street brawl, which is just perfect for a cosmic event.

My only exposure is in the form of this Newsarama link, which sounds fittingly insane.

That's definitely it. Low-poly can work if you have some style about it, but combining that with muddy textures and low resolution is murder.

Turns out it was actually based on Jaws 4: The Revenge. Pretty fun game though.

I kind of want to go back and try Goldeneye with one of the double-controller setups it allows. I remember thinking that those configurations were totally bonkers at the time, but it was basically a hacky way to implement twin-stick shooters years ahead of its time. And it might improve how dated the game feels.

I mostly just enjoy that beards are how the show explains the passage of time. The timelines rarely make any sense when you step back and think about them, so they fall back on "Look at how scruffy he is! It's been a while since we last saw him."

The Dorne plot has a bunch of issues (many stemming from the simple fact that it only gets about 30 seconds of screen time each episode) but a question on the Sand Snakes: (how) do they matter, in-world?

Yeah, the white savior is obviously an archetype with a checkered past, and that's being generous to it. (Immortal Iron Fist did good work with it, and… that's pretty much all I can think of.) I was just confused by the suggestion that the name alone had slur-like connotations; thanks for the clarification!