Merlin the Tuna

I'm sorry, but that Bee-Man cover will always pale in comparison to Dr. McNinja's take on the theme.

So, um, why is the name B'Wana Beast offensive? I think I'm missing the reference on that one. Is B'wana the equivalent to 'Merica for people from Botswana or something?

My prediction: it will take either 10 minutes, or 10 hours.

So many different directions. I'll probably continue tinkering with Kerbal Space Program a bit, having gotten my act together enough to achieve orbit. Although rather hilariously, my first Kerbonaut did so with about 2% fuel remaining, so the retrograde burn only barely eked him back into the atmosphere. His altitude

Here, let me ruin your memories of the last third of the game in two simple words.

There's a lot in here that sounds fun, but nothing - nothing - draws me in like the promise of a long stream of mixed metaphors.

Eh, I'm about ready to write it off. I'm sure they'll still manage something of an arc to her plight - maybe some narrative irony in Sansa convincing a sexually bored Ramsey to try bondage play, into whoops-you-got-killed-on-your-own-sigil? There are plenty of options, but the pacing has been a mess, and like Myles

When Arya went up to inspect one of the heads in particular, for a brief second I thought it would be Cat's, just as a total swerve.

I picked up KSP on Early Access years ago, but never tinkered with it for more than 10 minutes before running my niece and nephew into it last weekend and promptly getting hooked myself. I'm actually wondering if Science Mode might be more my cup of tea than Career mode though - I don't know that I actually care about

Legitimately all-ages games (aka kids can play, adults can enjoy) could be a good topic! I'm constantly trying to find good games to play with my niece and nephew - Doodle Quest has been a pretty big hit so far, and I might try Uggtect with them soon. But I've had a few notable misfires in the past, like trying to

Depends on what you're buying. Paperback RPGs that take it easy on the artwork are typically around $20-$25 and frequently include PDFs on top of the book itself. At that price, I'm totally fine buying from Indie Press Revolution or picking up a copy at a local store. High production values & famous licenses tend to

"And as Clubs0da said, if you pre-order something, at least you know it will actually arrive!"

His Thor still has his moments, but you can see the Ghost of JMS-mas Future peeking in with annoying frequency. The Katrina issue is the biggest offender - big stretches of it read like a first draft for Superman: Grounded - but not the only one.

It was great, but like you said, we've seen them for half a decade. I continue to wish that Dany were treated like a horror movie monster rather than a POV character - you only show her after you've given the characters and audience plenty of time to freak out about not having seen her. I'd much rather her entire

I was a grumpy with this while I watched, but in retrospect she did show a tiny bit of progress this episode.

Finally plowed through the tail end of Emma's scenario in Front Mission 3 last weekend, and I definitely need a break before New Game+ing my way through Alisa's half. In the mean time, I'm cramming in some Massive Chalice as they lead up to a presumably-very-soon v1.0.

"Fuckin' watermelons coming" is my new favorite threat. For everything.

Hrm. Well that's less amusing. The actor's still fun though.

I would just like to point out that I find it completely hilarious that in S4, Oberyn demands Olyvar join his orgy, and Olyvar's initial response is "Uhhhh I don't really do that?" And then our introduction to him in S5 is screwing Loras.

Hey, Oberyn knew his talking points and stayed on-message:
- Raped her
- Murdered her
- Killed her children