Merlin the Tuna

Oh, I totally agree. If anything, my frustration is that a calling card for the series is that every plotline seems to take multiple seasons/thousands of pages to come to fruition, during which time we've introduced multiple entirely new sets of characters. The Previouslies are a good solution to a kinda dumb problem,

Olenna Tyrell mentioned it being not-uncommon back home, as well. That was actually the biggest shock to me of the whole thing this episode; I didn't get the impression that homosexuality was a big deal in Westeros. Not desirable, but not something that people got worked up over. Although I guess that could be part of

It's another nice way of highlighting how crucial Tywin was to everything, too.

There's also a narrative charm in Tywin, a man of twisted, awful character, begetting a child with a twisted, awful body (sorry Dinkles) and killing the one woman he ever loved in the process. Especially in light of how the series makes a point of sins and errors passing from one generation to the next.

Yeah, they showed that in the "Previously, on Game of Thrones" montage. Which, like… that's a pretty fucking generous definition of "previously" for the purpose of getting us up to speed from last week.

They mentioned an episode or two that she bailed back to High Garden because King's Landing is terrible.

Olyvar is kind of hilarious as a minor character, and I hope he gets more to do than just look upset about people fucking up the brothel. The delivery on "You know two costs extra, right?" (paraphrased) last week had me dying laughing. Though his gigantic wizard beard probably helped.

Woof. I agree with the underlying sentiment, but that tweetstorm could charitably be described as "masterful."

The more fleshed out the NPCs are, especially in my own mind, the better everyone can react to strange situations.

for instance, his buddy Illyrio married her off to Khal Drogo and told Tyrion he was certain she wouldn't last a week in that position. Why agree to basically kill off a Targaryen if you're pro-Targaryen?

“I mean, they own the machine,” Thomas said. “For us, we don’t get to practice so much.”

I stopped by Logan Arcade/Hardware for the first time about 3 weeks ago, and Killer Queen was mysteriously absent. Anyone know if it's back/why it disappeared?

Er, he gave Cap 2 a B+ and included praise for the first Avengers in the title of the thing. He doesn't exactly have a hate-boner for them.

That Kamala cover is AMAZING

Re: Margaery's cattiness. I don't think you're totally off-base, but it's understandable as a sort of end-zone dance. Meaning: go for it, but you're going to get stung if you overdo it.

Honestly, my sense of Littlefinger is that all of his plans look like that, because he knows he's got the hang of step 2. And after all, isn't that pretty much what the "Chaos is a ladder" speech amounts to - sending everything topsy turvy so he can wriggle to the top while everyone else panics over how their plans

I've found that I have no patience for video LPs but am generally on-board for screenshot+text ones. In addition to dodging most of the screechy antics, the format leads to better editing, in my experience. The author isn't splitting their attention between talking and playing, them seeing their own words leads to a

I have. It talks about a bunch of pundits and then refers to wonderful stats like: "The first issue holds an score of 7.8 out of 10 at the review aggregator website Comic Book Roundup, based on 11 reviews, while the final issue, #28, holds a score of 8.3, based on 9 reviews, and the series overall holds an average

You keep talking about "tons of market research and polls" yet just referring back to a single online fan rating system that at least I personally have never heard of. That… is not super convincing.

Little Boy: D
The Forger: D+
The Water Diviner / The Age of Adaline: C
Adult Beginners: C+
24 Days: B-
Misery Loves Comedy: B
Kung Fu Killer: B+
The River: A