Merlin the Tuna

Sliiiiightly disappointed we didn't get coverage of the All Blacks drubbing the Eagles last Saturday. It's sort of like football, and it happened on a football field! Surely there's room for shenanigans. And who knows, one of them might be a better football team than the Jets!

The early game of MASSIVE CHALICE is a huge scramble, but the generation aspect really takes center stage around year 60-75, when your hero/baby situation has stabilized. One suggestion for when that does happen: prioritize Quick like nobody's business. Caberjacks and Alchemists are hugely limited by range, and that

Never got into Binding of Isaac. I think the spray pattern of the tears (rather than being a straight shot) was the biggest annoyance, but the Newgrounds graphics and impenetrably large number of items did it no favors either. Best of luck to everyone getting in on the Rebirth, but I killed Mom once in the original

In case you somehow haven't seen it, this thread will be of interest to you:

Desperately hoping that heroic Steve Austin meets his match in his wacky sidekick/rival, played by The Rock.

I think the key factor was that her personal reason was more than just hating high school. How many HateSongs has that doomed? It feels like basically all of them.

I cannot for the life of me explain why, but I was terrified of the music for the last dungeon as a child. That may be the only time I ever asked my older brother to play part of a game for me.

I'm emulating an ISO I ripped from the original Playstation disk I still have; probably not the easiest route. I'm not familiar with the iOS version beyond its existence, so I can't speak to any of the bugs there.

I'm one-for-one on the MASSIVE CHALICE beta, having successfully fought off 300 years of demonic incursion. My overall impression is that it's really close to being amazing, but is still sitting at just "pretty good, you'll like it if you're already into the genre." A lot depends on if the Beta ends up being a chance

I skipped 2 on the grounds of it feeling cash-grabby as well, but my sense is that time has been kind to it in a way it hasn't to Bioshock and Infinite. I've heard a lot of "it's not that bad, and actually the gameplay is leagues better than the others" since its initial flogging on release.

That sounds a lot like my experience with the first Amnesia. Loved the game to death, but I only ever wanted to play it alone, at night, and in the dark. And even then it was kind of an emotional commitment to start a session.

Dang, that sucks! The Base Assault was my single favorite addition to EW, too. :(

Most of the stores I've been to in Chicago haven't been specifically unwelcoming to women, they've just been pretty unremarkable in general. Dark Tower Comics up in Lincoln Square was my go-to for a while thanks to proximity and quantity/quality of trades, but while it wasn't hostile, it was just sort of… there. I

Instead of a head, he just has a ceiling fan.

I don't think the SAT has been based on a 1600 point scale since around then, either.

Yeah, I'm counting that and Bayonetta as positive. But the last three were this, The Evil Within, and Alien: Isolation.

"We used to write reviews, but then realized it was much easier to post the same GIF over and over again. The comments section just responds with Simpsons quotes and pun threads anyway!"

That's three "It sucks!" reviews in a row. I hope you guys get to churn through a new release you actually enjoy soon!

A 19th century insurance adjustor meets Event Horizon. Why has no one thought of this before? It seems so obvious in retrospect.

I mean, that's the romanization, but that's largely just a product of Japanese syllables being based on/represented as vowel+consonant pairs rather than individual letters. When actually spoken, the Japanese version of "hasubando" will still end up just sounding like "husband". "Waifu" likewise sounds pretty much