Merlin the Tuna

As much as I love the existence of 'waifu', 'husbando' will never sound like anything but Spielbergo-grade Spanish to me. If the former conjures the image of an anime princess, the latter yields visions of a Juan Valdez-looking guy in sombrero & poncho, plus me sitting in the corner muttering "Is this racist? This is

You trademarked it? Christ, What An Asshole.

You are.

Have we finally drawn the ire of the Gamer Gators? We did it everyone, we made the big time!

Was going to reply to PaganPoet's thread, but for some reason it's been flagged? Similar line of conversation though, so hopefully this doesn't feel like a threadjack.

Botox is a hell of a drug.

I think I was shocked in part because so much of Season 1 shows Boomer overcoming her hostile Cylon programming. It's a pretty consistent theme, from sidestepping her inability to announce finding water by telling her co-pilot to look at her screen, to rejecting and destroying her copies aboard the Cylon ship. And

Ooh, which one? I've been known to make it to Indy every once in a while.

O'Fallon is my personal favorite, with Southern Tier's Pumking clocking in at a pretty close second. I don't think I've had New Belgium's in a while, but they're a nice steady brewery - rarely outlandish, but always good.

Hard to see, maybe. Circle of the Moon, more like… black… screen…. shut up.

What's the weirdest non-meat you've seen them feature? Are they doing stuff like pickling things that should not be pickled, whipping out bizarre plant life from deep in the amazon that no one has ever heard of, or just saying "HOPE YOU MOTHERFUCKERS LIKE CILANTRO, MAKE AN ENTREE OUT OF IT" and whatnot?

Didn't watch the episode, but it at least sounds legit as a "first food you remember cooking." I have no idea what kind of crazy person recalls their first ever dish by making squid ink fondue or chilled corn soup. Did they not have spaghetti on their home planets or something?

I can't think of anything he's done recently that's bad, but it does seem like he's not putting out as much as back in his heyday. As much as I loved him in The Other Guys and the (surprisingly solid!) Robocop remake, a look at his IMDB page shows only 11 entries since 2010. And most of those are shorts, voice work,

That was one of the curious things about this review for me. RPS spent a lot of time talking about things like the setting, the relevance of playing as a Ripley, and bearing witness to one of Weyland-Yutani's cheaper competitors. I was really surprised that nothing along those lines made it in here aside from a token

Yeah, that was definitely the salient point for me here. I tend to be suspicious of reviews that complain about difficulty on the grounds that a lot of reviewers seem to just not be great players. Stealth segments being tedious is sort of related, since a few failures often teaches players to be extra slow & cautious

I was sure this was some kind of backwards code on my first reading. It isn't, but there are probably no SHATFOOPs allowed either.

Not just that it's smaller, but that there are more points that say "You are using character X now." Final Fantasy 4 was really strict about deciding your party composition for you, and while FF6 and CT dialed that back a notch, they still pretty much force you to play everyone on your roster for a little while. FF7

Oh, I don't think that customization makes it a bad game or that novelty is even a bad thing in this context. It's more that I think that there's too much overlap and that the nuance between them is often lost.

Number one is that the game is simply bigger than it needs to be; a lot of the character customization ends up being novelty rather than strategy.

Veeeery limited gaming time this weekend. Stupid "adult life."