Merlin the Tuna

I will slag FF8 as much as anybody else, but insane plot developments re: the moon are almost always a positive in my book. The idea that crazy fantasy monsters inhabit the world because they fall from the moon in giant teardrops? Awesome.

"Slight" seems like kind of weird description of that issue to me - I thought they did a fantastic job of making the universe feel lived-in regardless of the amount of plot. Especially in light of the glut of laboriously long origin stories we've had in movies and comics over the last few years, the "Previously on

My impression is that it's not strictly gritty. Comics Alliance posted a piece on it calling out the amount of comedy they work in, including a clip at the end showing Betty and Veronica wearing Riverdale cheerleader costumes while working for a competing cult.


But the extra content suuuuuuuuucks! The vortexes are soulless monster closets, and Lost Sanctum I remember as being half a dozen fetch quests that consist entirely of backtracking through the same two boring dungeons. Not only does it not stand up to thematically powerful sidequests like Fiona's forest or Cyrus'

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No no no, you need to push the truck next to the SS Anne for that.

HP/MP Restored!

Hook was and is great. I was stunned to learn - fairly recently - that it was critically panned. I'm pretty sure it was via discussion here, too, since it's pretty beloved among my friends.

Joining the Steam group is a good first step and will push announcements to your Activity page. If you want even MORE visibility, go to the Discussions section of the group and click on the "Subscribe to Forum" button. That should trigger a lasting notification on your Steam client whenever someone makes a new thread

Ain't no bullshit like teleport maze bullshit!

If Tales co-op works these days, that'd sound like a lot of fun. I convinced a few friends to try it with my on Tales of Symphonia though… game, you can't make a multiplayer mode where the camera only looks at the first player. Come on now.

Looking at the Battle Mechanics Guide now; Haste 2 has the same size (Effect = 2, the 5-square cross) in the base game. The only difference is that it has a higher vertical tolerance (3 instead of 0). Protect 2, Slow 2, and Shell 2 follow the same model.

I'm doing individual class writeups as I encounter them to cover the original version, their Straight Character Challenge (I've done about a dozen), and my take on the LFT changes. But in general, most classes didn't get overhauled so much as they got pushed towards their "theme."

This weekend is looking like a little more Final Fantasy Tactics: LFT. I've been chronicling my adventures in the Steam group, and so far there's a lot to like about the mod. It's slightly harder, but mostly it feels like a fresh take on an old favorite. I'm about midway through Chapter 1 (just wrapped up Sand Rat

The Bible is aware that kids are dicks; 2 Kings 2:26 is the easiest passage to cite. A bunch of kids make fun of the prophet Elisha's baldness, so he summons a pair of bears to tear them apart.

I recall very little with Ellen aside from this episode (reminder that I lapsed somewhere around season 2.5) but I remember (A) her being straight up a one-note terrible person and (B) the dinner scene in particular being hilarious. Similar to the discussion about the 1000th landing celebration turning grim, I gave

"Incoming Call From: FBI"

What about the idea that Bruce Wayne literally sleeps by hanging upside down? I'm not sure how you can frame that as anything but the goofiest of camp.

Patented. But even worse. Two years ago.