Merlin the Tuna

There are different levels of Satellite rushing though. A steady crawl of 1-2 per month works fine on Classic, and I actually preferred it to the hardcore rush of having 4 in the air by the end of the first month. The latter pays dividends in the mid-game, but you end up locking all of your cash flow on satellites. In

I'm waiting for this to become a toggle in the options menu. "Select target of your derision: gays/women/black people/surfers/Phish fans/Lena Dunham/poor people/ basically everyone."

Mass Effect Saves (.com) will be helpful in that capacity if you want to play on PC.

It worked in Blazing Saddles!

I *thought* it spoiled a few things, but the base game really only spoils that Boomer is a cylon and that Helo makes it back to the ship. The former ends up being a huge non-spoiler since "33" shows off mulitple Boomers, and the latter is kind of a "no duh" since it would be weird to follow a character totally

I think the trend towards using voice acting has hurt JRPGs on that front. I remember flinching whenever my roommate walked in while I was playing Tales of Symphonia specifically because of the script. The VAs did fine, but just hearing the words aloud really amplified the after-school-special factor of believing in

The lore of the Legacy of Kain series is wonderful, even if the games themselves are a bit spotty in places. And I love the ridiculous melodrama of the script/monologues; excellent work by Kain & Raziel's VAs goes a long way on that front.

Hrm, bad games I keep playing. League of Legends is a prime contender, and I managed to kick the habit for about 8 months before picking it back up a month or so ago. The bigger offender, though, is definitely Nexus Clash, a Free to Play Text-Based Browser-Based MMORPG. It's a spin-off of Nexus War, which was itself a

Well yeah, did you see a [SATIRE] tag?

That's what President Tom Zarek is for! Crushing population into morale since 20XX.

Little bit of a random aside.

It's also (rarely) referred to as a Batman Angle, because the old Batman TV show was crazy go nuts for them.

I will never stop loving that Laura Roslin is the First Lady in Independence Day.

It's Frank Miller.

Two mirrors. You get to see your own neck as it is, and you get to see it infinity times.

I definitely remember seeing that come up in the review thread on the Gameological group on Steam. It's a neat read on the game, but to a certain extent it strikes me as looking for a deep message in a pretty shallow work.

I'm playing "Go to GenCon", otherwise known as "Silently be judgmental of strangers' poor hygiene."

But then you may never learn who shits on the sidewalk!

The two trades I'd peg as excellent are Confession and The Tarnished Angel. I enjoyed The Dark Age, but it was definitely a step down. Life in the Big City and Family Album were likewise just okay.

Specifically have to give some love to the fight scene in the Paris Police Department's massive karate dojo. I love that he just opens the door to find a room full of gi-wearing policemen and everyone just goes with it.