Merlin the Tuna

Our games don't tend to get violent, but they do get bitchy. I've long opted out of Scrabble just because every game reaches some point where everyone at the table is bitching about having terrible letters.

Just googled "Trails in the Sky" and the blurb it pulled from the Steam page is "Hailed as one of the largest, longest and most meticulously detailed turn-based JRPG series of all time." NOPE NOPE NOPE

Since last weekend, gaming has been GREAT to me. The Swapper finished as strong as it started, which is to say I loved it. Really good puzzling and strong presentation of some interesting themes. Also, as I mentioned in the Steam group, I thought it was interesting that it presented the Lovecraftian idea of

Agreed, it's a ton of fun. And it's interesting that they're seeing the films relatively recently, after the hype cycle is over and the movies can be taken in retrospect.

Really, most of the villains are handled pretty terribly up until the Nolan films. The only Burton/Schumacher villains that really have consistent, clear goals & characterization are the ones in Batman & Robin. Obviously mileage varies depending on how much you appreciate the one-dimensional ridiculousness of

I have to ask: how was dressing up as Luigi supposed to help her sneak into the Koopaling's tower?

I'd like to point out, more than Diddy or Dixie etc., Cranky Kong would be an amazing addition to the roster. Just imagine, shaking your cane in the air as those annoying babies pass you, yelling GET OFF MY LAWN whenever you hit someone with a shell. It'd be awesome.

You have accurately described why WALUIGI IS THE BEST.

I'm looking through my Backloggery record of everything I've played this year, and none of it is from 2014. And furthermore, most of it is stuff I ended up not thinking very highly of. Snaps and dang! So my best game of the year thus far has got to be Guacamelee!, which I apparently finished on January 2nd. Get it


I was thinking the same thing - "No saving" is an immediate dealbreaker for what otherwise sounds like an interesting game.

It's available on both Steam and GOG, for those tempted by bleak adventure games of days past.

I think the weirdest consequence — and reminder — of rap-rock was plopping in the disc for The Raid: Redemption and getting a pop up asking if I'd like the original soundtrack or a new soundtrack by one of the band members of Linkin Park. Who was asking for that one?

"Narcokleptocracy" is a hilarious take on a political buzzword. How many thousand times do you think it was uttered on C-SPAN or mentioned in editorials in an attempt at catching on?

Headline made me think it was going to be Snyder/Goyer.

You start out as a hard working sperm, then a crazy X cries rape and gets half your chromosomes because OF COURSE meiosis sides with her. It's all downhill from there.

Oatmeal raisin cookies are great. Oatmeal raisin cookies, right after you think "Man this chocolate chip cookie looks great," are terrible.

I've hit a bunch of stat caps, but my understanding was that I wouldn't get the boosts for Radiant Dawn unless the unit had capped stats AND was 20/20. Is the latter unnecessary?

Onwards in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance! Enter Chapter 27, wherein the player wishes the game were on Hard Mode. No, seriously, I'm getting worried that Normal won't have enough cannon fodder to level my units up to level 20/20. It may be close; Fingers crossed that Bonus Experience (and the increasingly specific

Jigglypuff has actually been considered an upper-level character almost from the start. (Link - list of Smash Back Room tier lists) She's just kind of weird, which has historically made her less popular than Fox & Falco.