Merlin the Tuna

The only thing better than ridiculous names are casters trying to say them with dire seriousness.

Good lord, he is. WHAAAAAAAAT. Never knew that.

And proud owner of the single worst move in the game: the heel smash that is his up-tilt. It's like an awful smash attack that you can't release! Much as I loved the occasional round of Ganondorf, I was perpetually caught with my pants down because Falcon's version of that attack is actually useful.

Minor quibble: Firebrand is the main character from Demon's Crest for SNES, not a monster from Ghouls 'n' Ghosts.

All I know is that anyone who plays a space animal is on my shitlist (so roughly 60% of the entrants, I assume), and anyone running Jiggles or Captain Falcon is the champion in my heart.

Braid doesn't have anything in the way of unlockables. You always have the tools you need to beat the level, though there's typically more than one way to do it. The only thing that changes as you advance through the game is the time manipulation itself — each world does it slightly differently.

Onwards with Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance! Enter Chapter 21, wherein a traitor is revealed, and our heroes enter a dungeon and encounter a dragon.

To a certain extent, I feel like the whole "game/not-game" thing would be resolved entirely by people not being dicks about it. Not even in a "can't we all just get along?" sense, but it's like… Did you ever hear someone rant about how Legos are terrible because they aren't a game? It's totally fine that they're not a

That's not the issue at hand though. Their methodology (we examined the features of pro-eating disorder Web sites) means that what they're showing is "IF eating disorder, THEN references to thinspo." That's a very different relationship to establish from "IF references to thinspo, THEN eating disorder." It involves

I was about to say the same thing. Then I looked at the years and realized that Maladroit was my sophomore-year album. Apparently I just got started on Weezer early, because the Green Album was when I wrote them off.

I realize this is a weird place for a feature request, but in concert with @alrighthearthis comment, a retrospective on pixel art — old and new — might make for a neat segment of articles. The combination of nostalgia and low barrier to entry has made it incredibly popular with the indie scene as an art

The Advanced Edition of FTL was just a free update that included a lot of new content. You have it.

Re: battle length - that makes sense. The biggest difference for me is that the early battles were generally ~20 minutes to crank through, but higher unit counts, more diverse weaponry, and larger maps have caused that number to grow dramatically.

Still trucking away at Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. On to Chapter 16, wherein our hero checks his privilege! Oh and also busts up a slavery ring, I guess that's cool too.

I've managed to keep things pretty small this time around since I've already got a few long games in my backlog. So, Nidhogg, The Stanley Parable, Gone Home, The Swapper, and Payday 2. I'm keeping an eye out for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (the first one) though, and will probably grab it if it goes on deep-discount

If you get the button-timing right, you can follow it up with "And you belong in a morgue!"

I shit talk soccer sometimes for being much ado about nothing — a bunch of back and forth across midfield for 90 minutes that ends in a 1-0 game. But in comparison, I love hockey, and as much as we can say we're not in the Dead Puck Era anymore, there are still a lot of low scoring games and ties settled by the

I for one am shocked that Sex Criminals' reference to CancerAIDS didn't get a blurb somewhere.

I love the idea that the extent of their ambition is "to be not-terrible."

The thing I remember most from the first book was how sudden it seemed to end - which was kind of refreshing. I'm probably screwing something up, but as I recall the party was on some epic journey to get from point A to point C, and somewhere along the way they happen to cross paths at point B with the Big Bad Guy and