Merlin the Tuna

Some friends follow a bunch of board game reviewers online, and I've been told that one of the big groups (Dice Tower, maybe?) makes it a point when they encounter a bad or underwhelming game to wrap up the review by suggesting a better game that hits similar themes or mechanics. I'm a big fan of the idea if only

From what I've read, the police have absolutely no way to deal with water, so you can just hop in Lake Michigan and chill out until your notoriety goes down.

Let's tentatively put a question mark at the end of that.

I'd like to take a moment here to sing the praises of anyone who has ever written a Spoiler-Free Guide to Missable Items/Quests/Achievements.

I am definitely a binge gamer as far as single-player stuff goes - grab one game, then rip and tear at it until I'm done. I have, however, largely trained myself out of 100%ing every game, specifically because of huge games. Not just because it takes so much time, but because my experience has been huge games are only

Eldritch is definitely the stronger of the two games. They cut down some of the tokens & bookkeeping (so instead of 100 chits and counters, you have about 50 :P) and the game flows a lot better. In Arkham — especially without expansions — the game tends to get easier and drag as you go on, since sealing critical gate

Are you from Chicago? Can you speak to how well they've done representing the city? I'm not getting on board for a Ubisoft sandbox game either way, but my head hit the desk with some of the stuff they mentioned in the Watch_Dogs 101 trailer. Just the first minute included plugs to "the 6 major districts of Chicago" —

You've done it. You've blown my mind.

It almost feels like cheating to point it out, but Astro City has done some great stuff using big Marvel/DC events as a base. The "Confession" trade is a smart retelling of Civil War & Secret Invasion as a small part of a great Batman & Robin story. And it also includes one of the best one-and-done issues I've ever

My fiancee has been binge-watching this on Netflix lately. If you're getting looped in to SYTTD watchings, at least lobby for the seasons that take place in Atlanta rather than Manhattan. It's the same show but with less ridiculous budgets, which makes the whole thing more palatable.

I would definitely not recommend Equip Armor, especially on a Monk. Power Sleeves are available at that point, and unless the PSP/iOS version changed things, that's the best armor in the game for Clothes-wearing classes. The +2PA is especially crucial on a Monk, since they scale quadratically with PA rather than

I almost — almost am willing to give it a pass just because it's so over-the-top. Little details like croissants flying through the air when you KO Glass Joe (Punch Out Wii) are enough to push it through from "terrible" to "comedy" for me. But man is it close.

I was barely able to suppress a laugh when I read that. It reads like a D&D name, when the players start asking questions to things the DM hasn't even begun to consider.

That's fair, but I guess my overall point is just how terrible the NHL is to enable that kind of behavior. They're clearly in Cover-Your-Ass mode in preparation for the inevitable CTE lawsuit, and cases like this exemplify how hollow their interest in Player Safety is. I think we can all agree that headhunting is

In other Bruins news, am I still allowed to be pissed off that Lucic got off with a measly $5000 fine for winding up and cracking a dude in the nuts? I get that hockey is a physical game and stuff is gonna happen, but that's just as dangerous and even more out of place than the hits to the head that the league is

I always had the impression that the ruse re: Tyrion's dagger & the attack on Bran was a play on Varys' part, with Littlefinger nothing more than a convenient stooge.

"Portal clone" is pretty generous to Portal in this case; I'd argue that Antichamber is a much more ambitious take on a puzzle game.

Antichamber was definitely something new, as far as I'm aware.

I've finally wrapped up with Borderlands 2 aside from clearing out the various raid bosses. I won't have time to game this weekend, but I'm actually not sure where to go for next week. Help me, Gameological!

I loved 13 to death, and it's absolutely my favorite boss ever. It's interesting though, because a friend of mine cited that one as the big reason why he hated the game. He had some trouble actually executing some of the acrobatics, and as a result had to redo a couple segments of the fight over and over again. It