
My Mom always did left foot breaking. For the road, I certainly understand why they say not to do it. When ever I followed my Mom in her car I would see the brake lights come on because she had her foot prepared for breaking, and it was enough to turn on the brake lights even though she was not slowing down. For

Deeper snow is easier then a little snow, unless it’s a dry snow. Twice in my life so far I’ve come up on a snow plow being pulled out of the ditch... big highway department snow plows. In both cases it had been raining all day, and then we got about 1" of snow on top of the rain.

Clearly Minneapolis. More rural places, don’t get plowed that efficiently... so you have to learn to drive in the snow and ice. you can tell the locals they drive the speed limit in 5in of snow on top of last weeks packed snow.

I don’t think many people expect Louisiana, or anyplace else that far south to deal with snow. But look how far North into Oregon that light green goes, and even the very light blue all the way up to Seattle. A friend of mine from Seattle basically gave the same excuse you give. No plows, nobody has snow tire. Seattle

Interesting that except for Phoenix every place I have lived (that’s on the map) has been in the 24"+ zone, but apparently within one county away from the 12"

OK.. should have been obvious. know that I see the explanations, from everyone, but somehow I never made that connection of the direction the force is exerted. Some how in my mind .18 g’s still sounds weird, but at least I know understand why it is less then 1.

Can someone explain to me why when g-force is explained they always say 1 g is the force gravity exerts on you sitting stil. Yet then they go on to talk about how many g’s something pulls and it would seem they are starting at 0. If I’m pulling 1 g sitting at my desk stationary, but a Beatle pulls 0.18 g’s to me that

LOL... To be honest... I’m pretty sure he actually did say... but I’ve tired to block out as much of what he said to me as possible... so... probably the right one.

Ohhh my GOD you MUST see Rat Race.. That is one of the most outrageously funny movies ever. I think I have only laughed harder once in my life. (excluding tickle torture by older siblings as a child) It’s basically a knock of It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. Both are Hilarious, but I have to say my vote goes for Rat

Being stuck on a Bus is Hellish on its own... any added discomfort is just a lower level of Hell.

Ohhh great the trash has spilled over onto OPPO, can’t you guys keep your trash in your own rooms instead of spreading it everywhere else.

How about I didn’t vote for him, (or her either) I don’t roll coal, but I absolutely understand it. And yeah, your pretty much right on....

Nah.. not scary at all, it’s mostly the effect of blinders from the mounted camera... try being a passenger, with no helmet.

It sure looks to me like he was stopped, at the very beginning of the video. I know there is a crossing I go by, that often has a train parked just down the tracks. I’ve often worried about this kind of situation, as it can be difficult to judge if a train is parked or moving. Also assuming he did stop like it

At least you were able to leave. A colleague of mine got a ticket in Belgium, when he went to board his flight home they told him he had to pay his ticket before he could board the plane. I guess the moral is, if you visit Belgium, be sure your flight home is out of Schiphol Airport.

Yeah I relayed the story as I remember it being told to me, and in telling it here and to others the same thought occurred to me. My thought is, one something like that once might be enough to cause you to set it down and walk away. the other thought is that I can’t imagine my colleague not making some radio

The thing is generally a little load on the motor warms things up a lot faster than sitting at idle or even fast idle. Certainly if you have a heavy load, or your jumping on the on ramp to race up to speed, or going out on a race track, warming up is more important. Anything where you will be asking the motor to work

Speaking of Helicopters and war zones. A colleague of mine was a helicopter mechanic in the first gulf war. He was given a helicopter to fix. I don’t recall the exact helicopter but I think probably a Blackhawk, but not important to the story beyond that it had a stability augmentation system. The pilots refused to

I recently learned how many stories I have. A colleague at work is absolutely terrified of flying. For me... mahh. I love to tell him my close call stories, which absolutely freak him out. It’s gotten so if I even begin to talk about flying he just walks away, screaming at me.

First I am assuming you are at least partially referencing Wheeler Dealer. I’ve not seen many episodes in which they get a car anywhere close to that cheap. I know in the early episode they have a budget of £2000 and about half of that is generally for the purchase. I know they have managed to get a few vey low priced