I am incredibly charming and charismatic and am NOT a psychopath thank you very much. All the severed heads in my fridge tell me so.
I am incredibly charming and charismatic and am NOT a psychopath thank you very much. All the severed heads in my fridge tell me so.
Why don’t they just drive to work this morning?
“Neutral: How long until there are no more trucks with frames?”
You’re clearly riding the clutch way too much.
The physics appears normal to me. The rear gets sliding while the front still has grip. The rear end comes around then the front loses traction and the car slides ass first into the curve. I see something that is tricky to do intentionally but perfectly within normal driving physics.
I am only giving you the star for the level of sarcarsm and trolling you display in mocking us purists, but deep down i hate you.
Everyone likes to play adult until something doesn’t go their way, then its “call a lawyer”.
To a certain extent, isn’t the POTUS in charge of what gets deemed classified vs. not? In that context, he didn’t do anything illegal, just something merely stupid and damaging that further speaks to his incompetence?
Everyone tells beginners that the ninja 250 is the perfect starter bike.
But if you ask them what their first bike was, they will throw out a ton of qualifiers “well, you have to understand, blah blah blah, experience blah blah amazing deal bla blah” and admit that they started on a GSX-R750.
Not that I’d know. (it was…
I really want to sit with a tank full of gasoline right next to my testicles. The idea of a chain spinning at high speed, ready to whip free at any moment, under my ass, seems reasonable. Hot gasses from the engine should escape via a metal tube that conducts heat, right beside my leg.
If you think a corner worker can’t tell the difference between a recovery where you hold the slide and an intentional drift you’ve got another thing coming. But regardless the rule for most trackdays is once you’ve passed a certain degree of slip is to not save it but go both feet in. Granted that’s usually once…
Start vaping, get a flat-peak baseball cap and go to a drift event, track days are not for drifting, they never have been and they never will be. He may not like it, but nearly all track day organizers are unanimous about this sort of thing.
Look, I am no fan of the TSA...and I think that this is example one million of the idiotic security theatre that allows the government to employ thousands of dimwits to waste time, energy and money frisking people for no benefit...but I am pretty sure this doesn’t qualify as “being treated like dogs” or an experience…
I’m not crying shut the fuck up you’re the one who’s crying.
We do not build carriers to fight naval battles against China and Russia. We build carriers to project air power anywhere in the world, at any time, whether we have accessible air bases with mission permission or not. That is what carriers have been used for since World War II and will continue to be used for.
I was a teenager. And I had guns. Something like this never once crossed my mind. Using them for anything other than target shooting at a range/ranch never crossed my mind. I’m glad I’m not even able to fathom the mindset that values an innocent human’s life so little.
for better orfor worse, shies away fromextremeinnovation in favor of being themore human(crash) centered series”
*pictures mimes on a roller coaster, frantically flailing their arms but not making a sound*