
Hmm gives credence to a claim a colleague of mine made about his Ford Mustang. Apparently it was going to get scraped, and of course you have to drain the fluids, before hand. They drained the oil, and then decided to drive it around an empty parking lot until the motor seized. Apparently they got bored doing donuts

Pretty much why the German autobahns are safer than American interstate system. You pay a hell of a lot more attention to what you are doing, and what everyone else is doing, and everyone is safer for it. Still, I’ll let everyone else have that on their steering wheel, I’ll just drive like I’m in Germany.

In generally NP, in fact I’d probably check it out... except for the damn go fast stripes. I’d be all over it if I was still in my teens, or even early 20's, but with those stripes, I’d have to wear a paper sack over my head at my age. A heat gun ought to correct that issue, and then it’s priced about right.

Wheels tend to move up and down to go over bumps, ok in this case, left and right to go through door frames. But yes admittedly it’s a pretty surprising shot. Pretty explainable, except for the incredible odds of hitting at just the right angle, at just the right momentum. I have to imagine the words from the firemen

I think the color in these pics makes it hard to judge. That shade of yellow just lets down the Mustang. I do like the changes to the headlights. Otherwise I don’t notice many significant changes.

I won’t disagree with your description of Nico, I’d mostly agree with it. However if your his team mate none of those things are really going to upset most people. They may be annoying, or cause you to not want to spend time with him away form the track, you may roll your eyes, but none of it really personally affects

Safer... when it comes to aerodynamics, and high speed, you’re always risking a stall, and race cars can’t recover from a stall like planes... often can.

Sort of 2 different things. Nico tends to be short tempered. That’s not to excuse what he does, just to put it into perspective. Everyone looses their temper, he just looses it a lot quicker than most. (sorry pun half intended)

I had a slightly better idea. When I moved to Germany I was not accustom to spotting the speed cameras, so I got a lot of tickets in my car. On my motorcycle though it was almost impossible to get tickets, as the law in Germany requires both a clear picture of the license plate, and of the drivers face, that means all

It seems like something is missing from this article. It says that Honda did not use Gyroscopes. Fair enough, and probably a good thing beyond the weight as well. However it seems like it then goes into explaining only half of how it stays upright? There has to be some kind of feed back system that is used, but that

You make some great points, but I suspect it will do alright. I disagree with your assessment that the price is too high. A Ford Fusion decently equipped gets you well into the 30K mark, and at the high end your not far from 40k. Same with a Camry. I know the Optima does well in my area, and so many will likely see it

Don’t let that fear hold you back. in fact don’t even fear failing. Start it out part time, purely to see if it is at least profitable. If it shows to be able to make a profit, that is scalable move forward on your plan. If it does not look like it will succeed, decide if you need to modify your business plan, or

My old company used to have a section of the parking lot reserved for women. It was requested by some of the women, as they felt it could be dangerous to walk the long distance to the back of the parking lot. Spaces were the same size, and many women did not use it, but some women not only used that lot but requested

I’m talking about the definition of domestication: 1. to convert (animals, plants, etc.) to domestic uses; tame. 2. to tame (an animal), especially by generations of breeding, to live in close association with human beings as a pet or work animal and usually creating a dependency so that the animal loses its ability

A difference, a world of difference is possibly exaggerating it a little. Domestication takes many hundreds of years, but even domesticated animals can be as dangerous as tame animals.

Probably not nearly as upset as the Tiger will be when it Learns Hamilton reports to a Wolff.

Or as an Archeologist friend of mine says. Aliens with the technology for interstellar travel came to earth, and all they did was travel around the globe helping different civilizations stack a bunch of stones, and then left.

I think the bigger issue is their price. I know a lot of younger motorcyclists that like the idea of a Harley, but they buy something else that does not cost so much.

And yet my old Yamaha with a 600cc Motor made 44 more HP. Although it is 60lb/ft of torque short, but I never even knew it was so low until righting this reply. However it had no problem packaging in it's liquid cooled motor into the a smaller space than HD has..

It’s pretty normal that an outgoing CEO will be offered a roll as a consultant in the company that purchases their business. However unless the purchasing company really needs their advise, the normal action is to pay out the negotiated fee’s and say thank you for you’re input, but we no longer need your advice.