
We don’t hate women, not all of us, we just hate the awkward double standard. Beat a woman at a sport and its expected, lose to one and you are ridiculed. Let her pass you and you get called out for being to easy on them, give a hard tackle and you are bullying. It is a no-win situation for men.

The NFL is handling this so shellfishly.

Chef: MY MOM

A well-designed political system would have a built-in feedback system to ensure that those making the decisions are also subject to the consequences of those decisions

Looks like he...

“you don’t beat the shift by hitting around it or through it, you beat the shift by hitting over it.”

The Texas Bun Depository?

You’re bloggers, not journalists. You write bullshit about bullshit, push propaganda, and don’t even have to tell the truth to be credible.

Blogs aren’t journalism. I’m scared for humanity because so many people think blogs are journalism. Blogs are as reliable as tabloids about bat boy and bigfoot.

Excellent and reasonably unbiased reporting!

This article is reporter porn, the ultimate fantasy of any journalist stuck working at a dying shitty media company. Does kicking your bosses in the balls this hard feel as good as I imagined it would? I mean, aside from everything else about your work situation going to shit, obvs.

This is an excellent article. Did not expect this. I have a few suggestions.

Oh man, how great would that be if the new GMG failed too?

We all want “society to be better” but you dont achieve that by throwing a temper tantrum and then whining (suing) when you dont get to play. Be a big boy and take your punishment; you make your bed, go lay in it.

Isnt this the same brutal police you want us for our sole source of safety from when there’s a shooting? Since you dont want us to have guns. Makes sense.

This reminds me of when I was fired from my job as head pitmaster because I wanted to form the Barbecunion.

That’s far too reasonable. If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that you need to toss a passenger out the window every so often or you’ll never be respected.

Now, a gallon of gasoline cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. Gimme five bees for a quarter, you’d say.