
This whole thing is so fucking ridiculous I sprained my eyeballs rolling them so hard. Most of these women were 30. Give me a fucking break. As a 36 year old woman who is single, I find this so insulting/degrading. They're basically saying "I'm 30, I'm an old maid, I might as well marry myself and give up on love

I would totally watch the shit out of that

The more I think about a gender swapped Sex and the City, the more I am intrigued. I'm just picturing a dude obsessed with shoes and his tumultuous relationship with a powerful, wealthy, commitment-phobe lady in a power suit.

The "Wanna be black but don't wanna BE black" trend continues.

In fairness, Arizona State would have been #1 if the site's name was easier to spell.

Favoriting this just for Nick Cave. I don't even care if what you said works or not. Nick Cave.

I see we got exactly the same thing out of this opening: "Paul Rudd was there! He's so handsome! Look at that smile!"

All the sick fear on everyone's face in the audience: totally worth the 9 minutes it took to watch this. The light poking these blowhards receive once a year is not enough.

This. I don't understand why people with babies don't understand the concept of adult spaces.

I tried to quote this once while drunk and ended up saying "there's a wet toddler in my pants."

>You can all go back to your child-free lives and I will sit in my apartment and never go outside with my baby again

This makes me feel totally justified about all the Sherlock sex dreams I've had.

Emma, you are 1000% right about all of this and also, I think I love you.

I'm immediately going to take a string of selfies of me doing random things and start showing them to people who insist on showing me picture after picture of their kids. "Cute kid! Oh look at these. Here's me giving a thumbs up while I watch SVU on Netflix. Oh and here's me playing with some lint I found on my

No! You can't take your baby to the bar! When I go to the bar I want to get drunk and say inappropriate things loudly and do some drugs in the bathroom and make out with strangers with questionable tattoos, and I don't want some baby staring at me with its doe eyes while I do that. Neither does anyone else who thought

I really think it all depends on how well your baby can hold their liquor.

I wish you had a video of the beer being spilled on the baby, because I'm a terrible person.