
Thanks for the input, good to hear thoughtful reasoning rather than some of the feedback one sees on here.

Is there a hint of Flight of the Concords in your post ("be more constructive with your feedback")?

"Females." Never fucking fails, neeever fucking fails.

Step 1: Stalk Paul Rudd

I refuse to believe it. I'm a Paul Rudd truther. #PaulRuddSavesLives

Hans Moleman will have you know that he will FUCK YOUR SHIT UP.

Well, yeah, we got it. We got the American Care Act, the Lily Ledbetter Act, reform of the student loan system, the end of the War in Iraq, relaxed travel restrictions for Cubans, and started the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - among about a hundred other things. The Obama presidency has been the most

Hey, he fooled Mark Ruffalo.

god that's so unfunnnnnnnnnn


To me, all Presidential approval ratings show is how poorly the American people understand exactly what the President can control and what they can't.

IMO, what's really going on:

You shut your mouth. Bitchy Lady Mary is basically the only thing on that show still worth watching.

It isn't surprising to me that the racial faultlines in America are showing. Obama's presidency, whatever you think of his actual governing, has been hounded from the beginning by the opposition employing every single dogwhistle & piece of racebait they could come up with. Not just from the fringe, but from actual

I've never liked raw yes/no approval questions without a follow-up of "why," which could really help color the poll results. Like if you were to ask me "Do you approve of the ACA" I would probably say "no," which would lump me in with the REPEAL IT NOW branch of the electorate, when I disapprove on the opposite end by

Now, if we can only convince a group of violent Jihadis to go by the name of Lady Edith.

Come on, get a grip on yourself.

He sounds breathtaking..... what?