
The punk part is that you sit, get this, in someone else's assigned seat! Rock and Roll!

Can we get The Wiggles to do GG Allin covers?

Puuuunk is deeeeaaad...spooooooky

Since you're from the UK, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't familiar with the US's history of using these laws to disenfranchise the poor and minorities.

No, I'm telling you that "absolutely no cases ever" and "a trivial amount of cases" aren't the same thing and that when HALF A FUCKING MILLION PEOPLE won't be able to vote, you better have a huge goddamn fraud problem.

There IS no electoral fraud! And considering the hateful history of the "poll tax" that was only applicable to blacks, it's clear what these laws are... racist. PERIOD.

Then you haven't been paying attention. There is no electoral fraud. And in Texas, requiring ID is going to put half a million people in a position where they can't vote. So yeah... kind of a "bad thing".

Stricter laws might be justifiable if there was any substantial evidence of widespread fraud/abuse, which there isn't.

Sorry Fox, I'm an old woman and I didn't vote republican either.

That's the worst fucking superpower I've ever heard of...

oh god i just giggled so much, so loudly.

He can't help it. Everywhere he goes, pictures of an aborted fetus just appear. It's a curse, I tells ya.

You hang out with people who think women and olive-sized embryos are of equal value. Indeed, I do not. I hang out with people who value women a lot more than that.

Because (and I say this as a lifelong Democrat) Democrats suck at getting out a cohesive message. Look at the spineless way in which the ACA is not championed, as it should be - look at potential candidate and actual candidates who are distancing themselves from Obama when they should be enumerating his achievements.

I know whenever I get pregnant accidentally, I head to the Alamo to think things through.

I see your point, but there are issues specific to women- reproductive rights, equal pay, access to birth control, etc.... Yes, we all care about the economy, but there other issues, too.

But they mean young, sexually active, urban, liberal ladies. Not those thoughtful ladies holding signs in front of abortion clinics and getting married at 18. Those ladies are thoughtful and intelligent. As you can tell by their life choices.

I know this wasn't your point, but your comment kinda reads like your dad is saying he speaks Jive and that someday you'll get the hang of it.

I thought there was something fishy about their "Spider in Every Voting Booth" bill.

Boner told me he would like to disagree with you on this point.