
What if hell's real and everyone automatically goes there? Or what if the afterlife is an eternity of sensory deprivation? Just your thoughts with no inputs for infinity.

Believing in aliens isn't whackadoo. Believe in ancient aliens or that they're visiting now, that's whackadoo.

Idk, doesn't matter if it's a scary spooky ghost or a freaking wild boar I can't see whatever it is and I don't want to die.

I thought it was an evolutionary thing to just be afraid of the dark. What is out there? Idk, doesn't matter if it's a scary spooky ghost or a freaking wild boar I can't see whatever it is and I don't want to die.

Exactly, and that is the problem! You say you believe in aliens and people figure that means you believe in Roswell grays and anal probing and stuff.


I'm not saying what crazy thing I believe in, but it's definitely aliens.

I have this crazy optimistic belief that through science, understanding, education AND BEER....

Burn the witch!!!

I personally don't think I just "believe" in anything. I think there are a lot more of the hard core skeptics like myself out there than you'd think. Maybe it's just LA that makes you think otherwise.

I get side-eye for affirming that Tupac is still alive (the info out there on it is interesting!) but I swear I'm gonna laugh when he comes back from Cuba or wherever and only invites me to the awesome party.

I have this crazy optimistic belief that through science, understanding, and education; humanity will overcome it's limitations, reach the stars, and not fall extinct due to overpopulation, hatred, and scarcity.

Now playing

The scene in Superman 3 when the supercomputer converts Vera into a weaponized cyborg against her will. It's a scene that disturbs me to this very day — shades of a Singularity gone terribly, terribly wrong.

Not a death, per se, but I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.

Now playing

Not a great movie, but the beginning of Ghost Ship freaks me out.

Yeah, I read that too and immediately hated her. "Its a great place, except its racist. Oh well who cares, I'm white."

Look, I get why she's upset. I would be, too, if I thought I was getting something (that I paid handsomely for) and ended up getting something else. But there's no return policy on a baby, so you have to suck it up and make the most of it. You live in Podunk, Ohio and there aren't any other black people around and you

Did she give the child that terrible name because she hates her?

I'm guessing the reward for each question was reduced by roughly 20% as well.