
I'm not solely trying to be contrarian BUT as someone who can completely respect what a monumental piece of filmaking it is, I do think 2001 isn't on some untouchable pedestal from which all other sci-fi films must cower. It is ultimately, for me, a very cold and sterile film. Despite the incredible ambition of the

I do like that punch line: "It's not funny. That shit has more results than Hannibal Buress." It's like a complisult had a child with a humblebrag. A humblesult!

"That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works!"

You can do it! Gotta catch'em all!

You know how everyone has that one liquor they can't drink anymore because they drank way too much of it one terrible night? That's how I'm quitting drinking... one liquor at a time.

did you read this article

Steve is the best. I married a "Steve," and am so happy I did.

except he did cheat....on his then-wife WITH Carrie. So wtf is he talking about?

Carrie was neither a whore nor a strong, smart woman. She was, however, a huge asshole.

Aidan sucked

I approve of any company that names itself after an XFiles episode. Also a little afraid.

The "I'm sorry" and the fucking arrow just draw attention to the original tattoo and male it far uglier. A great tattoo artist could have come up with something like a leaves-and-flowers design, for example, that incorporated and camouflaged the stupid Chinese symbols. Something like this, but adapted to the original

Thats not a cover up.

When it comes to tattoo cover-ups, the winner is "Wino Forever" forever.

Yay! An opportunity to post one of my favourite snarky things of all time.

I seriously fail to see how it's fucking gross. I'm willing to bet that most people's urine is cleaner than the water coming out of their taps, and the water and urine all end up in the sewer system for treatment. It's not like urine just sits on your skin or shower surface and stays put. It gets rinsed away

Captain Planet approves this message.

My best friend claims that she has never peed in the shower. I cant even understand how one can help it.

There is an obvious answer that no one is addressing.