
There has been quite an epidemic of Caucasian Related Rectal Discomfort Syndrome lately, yeah.

This cracked me the fuk up

What about Hwæt?

One of my best friends is black, and he said I don't need any more black friends.

Fuck you, Judge Mowat.

Me too. The original cut of Donnie Darko is ambiguous, haunting, provocative. The director's cut is a hamfisted and tedious exercise is frosh-level Philosophy. It's Exhibit A in why "studio meddling" is sometimes a good thing. And Southland Tales caused me to actually become stupider while I watched it.

It's literally a mash of the Tim Burton flicks and the 60s show.

I've gotten a lot of people to fall in love with this scathing documentary about teen consumer culture and the music industry after explaining that it was one of the most subversive films of the early 2000s - on par with Idiocracy - but sadly marketed to idiot teenagers who resented being called out on their

Ironically, I liked Donnie Darko until it was explained to me. By the director's commentary on the director's cut. Fucking aliens.

Now playing

My sister taught me how to appreciate Batman & Robin as gay camp, and now I love it.

I'm hoping someone can help explain Under The Skin. Besides gratuitous ScarJo nudity, I'm struggling to find some meaning/purpose behind this movie.

"Primer," end of discussion. Had to read an online thesis to finally get it.

and the hot towels they give you at the start and end of the flight??? and the food that is the most delicious airplane food i've ever had?

I pay for the TV just so I have access to that flight screen all the time. I'm not kidding when I say obsessed.

I always wondered about those people who watched the flight path for hours, despite having solid entertainment like "The Other Woman" and "Transcendence" at their fingertips. Little did I know I was flying with fucking heroes.

My boyfriend helps the plane take off and stay in the air by staring intensely at the fasten seatbelt sign until it is switched off. You're also welcome.

as a pilot I thank you for your vigilance. now I can sleep easier in the cockpit. traveling anywhere soon?

Last week I spent about 40 hours on grueling international flights, so the deep badness of this idea makes me shudder. 4 reasons:

You're coming from a place where the fridging of a founding Avenger doesn't affect you in any way.