
Even those of us that have managed to cling to the unlimited data plans grandfathered in are still pretty screwed. I have a very old ATT unlimited data plan and they throttle me - they just don't charge me any more for the extra data. I can tell almost down to the minute when I've hit my monthly limit and I start

The next time you buy a new phone, good luck to you. My friend and ex-roommmate had your plan and she was forced to give it up pretty recently because they refused to let her keep it. The grandfather period is apparently up or something.

We are also on Verizon but we use mostly wifi, so our data usage is pretty small

Funny, that's how mine usually end.

All of my crazy nights have started by lying on a spooky forest's floor drinking liquor straight from the bottle.

Horrific. I don't know why I torture myself looking at things like this. Now I want an abortion and I'm not even pregnant.

Reconstructed sentient superweapon from time immemorial? MULTIPASS!

Now playing

Going to go with a literal and figurative coolest origin story: Mr. Freeze from Batman: The Animated Series.

The character 'A' of course, it began called aleph, and then all is history. Great character.

Awyup. Or an anime protagonist.

There is just something cool about being blasted into atoms and putting yourself back together. That is bad ass. Also, no one gives you shit for your blue wang for some reason.

Click bait.

There's a point to Kinja? Because it's failing miserably. Comments around here were 200x better a couple years ago. Old articles popping up make it all too obvious.

McDonald's has been open for 74 years. It is unlikely that we are in the last 95% of the chain's existence right now, so the lower limit on McDonald's extinction must be late 2018. It is also unlikely that we just happen to be in the first 5% of the chain's existence, so the upper limit must be 3420. The median

Aeon Fl—

Case closed.

You've clearly never checked my basement.

"No. I love parenthetical asides. They make me who I am as a person. (Asshole)"

It's either that or start drinking at lunch. THANKSH OBERMA!!