
Agree. I don't understand why the fact that Michelle Obama said something really dumb that doesn't help anybody at all is met with so much applause here. The "women are smarter than men" thing is not only completely untrue it also suggests that we women must be fucking morons if we haven't figured out a way to use

I'm a feminist, but saying women are smarter than men is not cute, it's not any cuter than saying men are smarter then women. Your dismissal of this is the apex of hypocrisy and you should be embarrassed.

her lips resemble worms with all the injections.

omg i need to do mine right meow

i'm pretty sure as a cannibal i'm quite aware

Pictured: Saudi scandal with a side of Mila Kunis (did anyone else see that?).

I have been subjected to bad hummus as well. It really pisses me off because it tastes nothing like the mouth orgasm inducing stuff I can make at home. NO EXCUSE FOR BAD HUMMUS! NONE!

Q: what's the difference between a chickpea and a lentil?

Now playing

Guys, it's a joke from the movie Bruno. He gets an Israeli and a Palestinian together, then- after much frustration- asks if we can all agree that hummus is delicious.

Any excuse to get more attention paid to the cause of hummus is a good one.

And creepier

Typical Aryans. I bet if that family looked a little different the GOPs would want to deport them for gang violence.

damn, lay off the spice, people.

Well. This aligns with my childhood understanding of poop, which is that it hangs out in your butt waiting to leave.

Peanut butter is NOT unhealthy. There's plenty of no-additive offerings in the marketplace. It's got good protein (one of the few that you can ingest without cholesterol) and mostly unsaturated fat.

The Haul

100% would

Think maybe your analysis missed the mark slightly, it could just as easily be interpreted as laying the blame at the system that makes so many poor people and that makes poverty equivalent to a missing education.