
Bow before me Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç.

But what about when you're making it out of nothing at all?

Yes. I think that's still appropriate. I know it's national television but I think it's on late enough that it is acceptable to say "had sex". But the romantic inside me kinda wanted him to say, "Then why did you let me take you to Pound Town?"

I presume you have a ponytail and like to sit in a hot tub with strangers. You're this guy:

People who call it "making love" really grind my gears...

Moisture is the essence of wetness

I love how kittens think somersaults are the ultimate fighting technique.

omg that kitty is seriously upset. and she's doing that thing when cats look like they're possessed.



10/10, would 3rd wheel this date.

I'm always curious how people get involved with voice acting. Were you interested in doing it from the start? What's the biggest challenge in regards to voice acting? Do you and Judy Greer (LOVE HER TOO!) and Jessica Walter (Amazing Actress too!) all hang out, or would that make the universe explode with too much

Black & Tan yissssssss

Yuengling is the best of the very cheap beers - Not necessarily cheap in a case, but when my options on dollar beer night at the local bar (in the land of $7 domestic pints) are Miller Lite, Bud Light, and Yuengling, that stuff may as well be liquid gold.

The thing about Yuengling is that, even though it's not a great beer, at bars that only have a couple tap lines, it's often the best beer that they have on tap. Also, it's often priced the same as other domestics, and bars will often give it the same happy hour pricing.

Oh wait it was a THE ROOM joke. Ha ha. I am slow. Two weeks slow. Well played meritxxell!

"There's so much crap in the world, why bother wiping your ass?"

that's just....that's too much weed. i like weed and all, but that's too much.

also, i would fucking HATE to be high around that many relatives. alcohol is a social drug, weed is for doing arts and crafts alone in my bedroom in my underpants while listening to Billy Bragg.