
Well when you donate $800,000 to a charity of your choice we will applaud your efforts, too. In the meantime, stop making yourself look like an asshole.

And really, of all the animal "obsessions" to have, one would think that animal care and welfare would be one no one could (or would) bat an eye at. It isn't like this gentleman said, "When I'm gone, please spend $800,000 to turn my estate into a shrine dedicated to the memory of the beloved Whiskers McPawington."

He sounds like a wonderful man. Two paws way up!

I don't even know where to start with this.

Come on Blaze, who are you kidding? You're using all colloquial phrases of' 'Turn' to make a weak point. Other languages are also rife with crazy colloquialisms. This issue is not unique to English.

Ok, I'm kind of out of breath and I think I just bought a Jaguar. I don't know what's happening.

What.....? No...!

Although a non-native speaker would be both understood and not judged harshly if they said mouses or sheeps.

Ha! You spell phonetic with a ph because all Greek words that were introduced into english start with the letter "Φ" (pronounced "phee", not "ph-eye" - same way we pronounce "π / Π" as "pee" and not "pie"), all these Greek words are transcribed into English starting with "ph" - same way my name is Φίλιππος -> Philip,

The problem is modern English is a mix of Old English, Roman, Old German, Nordic, and French languages as we were invaded and settled by a number of peoples with the last invasion being in 1066. This means that a lot of exemptions exist to a number of rules and there are general inconsistencies.

doesnt that need a comma between the 2nd and 3rd had?

Fun fact, cow also has an older plural, kine, which is modified from an even older one, kye.

The problem with English isn't that it steals words from basically every other language on the planet - every language steals words from any other language the speakers come in contact with.

How about the fact that lead and read rhyme, and lead and read also rhyme, but lead and read don't rhyme, just like read doesn't rhyme with lead?

The longest word in the English language is SmileS <— Dad joke

And you are the internet police, apparently! Meanwhile, above scene: still dull.

Sheep , their weakness is sheep , sheep like to eat them . So get more sheep

Was that... supposed to be interesting? Or witty? (puzzled frown)