
I had the same reaction. "Yeah, I'm kind of a hippy. Wear a lot of hemp, drink a lot of kombucha, love me some Grateful Dead, and, you know, run a cockfighting ring where we attach knives and shit to the roosters' feet. Oh, also, I'm totally gonna convert my VW bus to an electric vehicle as soon as I save up enough


Having just followed through that coffee sign link:

"Fermented soy does not contain the anti-nutrients present in non-cultured soy products. The fermentation processes increases the availability of isoflavones which are associated with cancer prevention and produces probiotics, the beneficial bacteria that improves

Please tell me how many marathons you have run, oh holy internet commenter.

The Rock chimes in:

Before we go pissing on the Leaf and other non-Tesla EVs for a lack of beauty, elegance or style, take your average family-mobile into account as well...

He is the best bassist in my made-up Tejano band "Los Cangureros"

someone on reddit already christened it as his dick satchel. can't really top that

I agree. He doesn't seem to take himself too seriously. Like he's ready to wink at the camera at any time.

Yes, let's not forget something no one has ever heard of!

1/10, would not flip out over. Try harder next time.

"Quirky Internet Commenter Seeks Quirky Girl Who Likes Movie Everyone With Internet Access Has Seen And Was Even on Adult Swim Once"

She would say yes, too but she got the results of the test back - she definitely has breast cancer.

Not a horror story, but amusing: I had a roommate who was once almost recruited for CIA's "unclassified projects." AKA spy material. She was fluent in Russian and had "interesting" contacts from a semester abroad. An unmarked car hung out outside our place of residence at all hours, and at weird hours someone would

So anyway how's your sex life?

Red is my favourite colour and I love wearing it. I look good in it. I mean, really good. HEY EVERYBODY! COME SEE HOW GOOD I LOOK!

i look awful in red I AM JELLY