
People tend to focus on the irregular plurals and pronunciation/spelling as examples of English difficulty, but we rarely inflect nouns or conjugate verbs. Try learning Russian, which does both - super complicated! Makes a few weird plurals look like nothing.

Whoa, check him out when he was younger. MeeeeeYOW!

Tesla dealership here in Seattle as well, and I have seen quite a few on the road/parked. Actually on my way back up I-5 from Portland I saw a dude charging his Tesla in front of a Burgerville in Centralia!

Hastag buff lesbian??? AHahahhah I didn't think I could love him any more

He has charisma out the ASS.

Grandma, is that you?

oh hai BurnBaby!


I don't think I own a single piece of red clothing (just not drawn to it for clothes, I think maybe it looks terrible on me and that's why) but I love red everything else. Actually weirdly enough the colors I hate to wear (reds, yellows, pinks, browns) are basically how my entire apartment is decorated

I still have no idea what "season" I am! Like I have really dark hair and am usually pale, so I thought I was a winter, but I tan really well and my mom called me "sallow" once, haha. I think I just have no freaking clue what I look like

I don't think I've ever had a dishwasher as an adult! I'm convinced I would cook so much more if I did have one, I loathe doing the dishes.

People who call somebody as soon as the plane lands. "Hey we're here!" No shit. Convey that information via text message like a normal person.

Right? If I have to "compete" with FB and Buzzfeed for your attention, well... okay dude, that's a fight I'm happy to lose.

Spelling excellent, handwriting needs work, see me after class. B-.

Possibly the hardest 22.

He fucking wishes.

AHHHH THIS DRIVES ME NUTS. It's like people think that the first zone called is the "best" zone and all other zones are ranking the quality of the passengers from awesome to shitty, so if you're on the last zone you suck. What is this mentality??

22 in people years?

He's so bad at calling people dumb!!