
LOL, I was gonna say. Oh Canada, even your cultural criticisms are 20 years behind.

Florida makes people crazy?

I'm not saying it's not a big deal, I'm saying that maybe it's a $142k deal. Tbh it does seem kinda low, but the tone of the article makes it sound insultingly low, like the woman got a lollipop and 10% off her next dinner at Applebee's for her trouble

Sorry, but this argument sucks. We place a monetary value on body parts and human life all the time for insurance purposes and for awarding damages.

Yeah, I don't get the outrage. "Just" $142k? I mean, it's not like it's $50 and a band-aid, but it's not like they removed her skin either. I don't know the going market rate for uterii though

I actually know a significant number of people who've met/married via OKCupid, and yeah, the people who are just looking for hot hookups have had rave reviews about it as well, haha

It's not creepy, but it is sappy as hell, haha. I guess I'm more of a Nick/Nora witty banter/let's take the piss out of each other kinda gal than "snow crystals swirling around my memories of you" which kinda makes me want to barf.

Hah, true. Corpospeak backfiring in a hilarious way!

Whoa, I've NEVER heard anybody in the US use "service" to mean "serve". "Servicing" a person has the same connotation of prostitution/sexytimes stuff here. Maybe US English was not her first language?

I'm sure the speakers of the Romance languages might disagree with you! Also, I think "viscous" sounds exactly like what it's meant to represent.

I dunno, this all seems pretty obviously explained by association. "K" as a "sharp" sound probably has something to do with the sound of knives or swords cutting through the air (think "whack" or "whisk") "K" is, aesthetically, pointier than "B".


Caity is a goddamn gem. Lindy, well: caps lock + excessive punctuation=! humor.

Psssht, yeah, well, you need a passport to get across the border now. PLOT FOILED, FREEDOM INTACT.

Subject? Her majesty? Don't make us liberate you with powerful freedoms!

It also taught bad lessons! Lizzie would be a dick to everybody and they would just forgive her at the end. Ugh, I loathed that show

It's all about making them go into the pool and removing the ladders so that they swim to death, yo

Ugh, bad time or best time to bring up that I kind of think Ramsay Bolton is hot too

Just gave me a whiff of the Nice Guy ("waaah, chicks only like hot bad boys"). And yeah, definitely a waste