
Doesn't United have the highest incidence of women pilots? They're still a pretty rare phenomenon, but it's cool when it happens - I think almost all of the few times I've been on a flight with a Lady Pilot (heh) it's been for United. Too bad United as a whole still sucks.

Calm down, sweetheart. And go back to your mom's basement.

The Low-Cal Calzone Zone!

Nobody held her down and forced her to inject Botox into her forehead. She's an actress. Acting typically depends on the use of your face to convey emotions. Noting that Botox gives her one facial expression is not body snarking, for fuck's sake.

I know, right? The difference in quality - oh and also the fact that you never see stuff in the regular stores that you see in the outlets - is noticeable.

Pizza AND beer!?

On the extremely rare occasions when service is truly shitty. I mean TRULY not because the waiter is frazzled, the restaurant is understaffed, the kitchen fucked up, the manager sucks, etc... and I always look for every conceivable excuse before "blaming" the waiter.... I've left 10%. But 20% as a baseline is an

Maybe don't be such a dick about it?


Yeah Montana is extremely beautiful and the college towns (Bozeman, Billings, Missoula) are awesome. I basically avoid red states like the plague but if I was forced to live in one, Montana would probably be it.

And the unparalleled beer and coffee! Oh, and KEXP. Plus, it seems like all the Hawaiians that DO leave, come here, so: ringing endorsement. And if shit goes down it's a quick escape to Canada!

Yeah I've got the special occasion pairs, the ain't got nobody to impress pairs and the period pairs

Also wouldn't you have to do like, way more laundry if you're going commando? I'm already lax with laundry, no way am I gonna get my lady juices on my jeans

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Immaturity is the real fountain of youth.

I guess I would add that people have very different definitions of God and there have been many gods throughout history, making the concept difficult to completely discredit - some people point to what they see as the inherent order of the universe, the beauty of mathematics, "nature" or "love" as "proof" of a divine

The original post is about as far from "evangelical atheism" as you can get. The comments section is, well, a comments section on the internet. As I mentioned elsewhere, if one's only exposure to atheism is, like, the r/atheist subreddit then yeah, you're going to get a lot of anonymous 14 year olds talking about how

Cthulhu doesn't exist? Damnit, I knew I shouldn't have bought that time share in R'lyeh.