
Agnosticism and atheism are not antithetical. Agnosticism means that the existence/nature of God is unknowable. You can be a theist and an agnostic (I believe God exists, but we cannot know for sure) as well as being an atheist and an agnostic (I don't believe God exists, but we cannot know for sure).

Okay, once again a post about "evangelical atheists being just as bad as evangelical Christians" appears without any post by these supposed evangelical atheists (where are they? I don't see them hanging around highway overpasses with banners about God not existing, unlike the Jesus loves you crew).

I don't think you'll find too much argument, there. Most people I know who are critical of organized religion aren't critical of "faith" or "belief" in itself, even though they lack faith/belief.

People tend to ignore that distinction. Thinking religion is bad =! thinking You, Religious Person, are bad. The most religious person I know is funny, smart, and progressive. Then again I don't think the atheism subreddit is the best place to find intelligent discourse on the existence of the divine.

The converse of the "without God, how do you have morals" is, of course, "is fear of a divine punishment the only thing preventing you from becoming a murdering rapist" which, uh, is pretty frightening if true.

Yeah I feel like if "European Mutt" were an option it would be a huge swath. Like I know I probably have some German in the mix but I couldn't tell you much beyond "generic Western Europe" on one side and "generic Eastern Europe" on the other

Way to spoil Portlandia!

The crazy thing about the GoT spoiler frenzy is that I was watching it having only seen a few previous episodes, and I could totally suss out what was coming and got all freaking excited about it anyway. It's about the journey man, not the destination!

I dunno, dude - I mean, my approach to spoilers is pretty much "it doesn't matter what happens, but how it happens". Everybody sort of "knew" how Breaking Bad was going to end, but knowing that particular plot point doesn't diminish, IME, the entertainment and suspense surrounding that point. I just recently