
All I’m saying is that what was left of Mjolnir looked an awful lot like this....

Non-scientific roll call! Who got at least one of these sent/shared to you by a relative or person from high school? I sure did.

When a black teen picks up a ball cap or lipstick, 10 mall security are on them like cops... and yet....

Real time face tracking and animation wasn’t something we could envision on a phone just a few years ago. Imagine if you could use the face of Optimus Prime or Bob Ross or Garfield! This isn’t a tiny thing, it’s like introducing 3D or color or sound to computers 20 to 30 years ago.

Or an increase in travel to Canada once the season is all available on Netflix, where it belongs in the first place.

Who says it hasn’t already?

Well to be fair, a lot of things done in Batman v Superman were the wrong choice, so I’m all for this retcon

Eh, I see what you’re getting at, if you mean video. Can’t block video if you can’t tell it’s video. BTW, you know you can disable AT&T’s stream saver right?

You can’t commit violence against objects or beliefs, my dude.

This has been my desktop wallpaper since November.

But if the FBI had access to YOUR phone, that man would have never killed 58 people and injured 546 more. It’s all YOUR fault for using encryption on your phone that forces the FBI to higher disreputable hackers to circumvent. Even though, you have absolutely no relation to criminals, YOU are part of the problem, not

came here for this

Holy crap just thought of this: Could Porgs be the new version of Yalsimari?

The article almost gets there (as in, almost makes a supporting argument). I think the discussion about the group ordering the pills online and in most cases receiving what they ordered was meant to suggest, “Hey, see. Even though this is illegal and unregulated, the market participants are not putting one in danger,

someone must really like it!

One of my biggest issues with pixel was that the signal app didn’t work at all... all my messages kept getting routed to hangouts. It worked well on the Nexus 6p. Wonder if anyone had this issue?

Romulans might not be too happy we broke the Treaty of Algeron.

British crocodiles you say?

Man, BBM was GREAT at this.......