
Carol Danvers just standing off to the side, literally in the rainbow glow of her powers but never mind her everyone, nothing to see here!

I thought it was a good moment. To me, it helped build the perception of how changed planet Earth is post-snap, a ravaged world still in shock and grief with touches of PTSD.

The great flaw of Reconstruction was that the Union failed to deport the entire planter class to Alaska, and hang every Confederate officer above the rank of captain.

This would be like me saying ‘I have no kids, therefore I should not pay any taxes that go towards schools, child welfare programs or anything that has to do with children.’ How did these words make it to Mitch McC’s turtle beak??

Not for the average iPhone user though...

Too bad Apple could not understand the mechanism required.

Does this mean we can expect a round of sympathetic articles about people with people who are Trump supporters despite their close relationships with undocumented immigrants, who are now being deported and are devastated that Trump is doing the cruel thing he promised and it is impacting them personally, and who are

I thought the big mystery is why they aren’t dealing with the fallout from half the population suddenly vanishing. 

I hope that this is sincere and not because his boss is running for president as a fourth string contender and needs some good PR. 

He has always been like that people forget how he started his company, by stealing, deceiving and objectifying. He’s the type of guy you have to watch your back for and will always try to do things the sneaky way. He has learn to become more politically correct now that he has so many responsibilities, but he’s still

What they do or don’t do with their land is their business. Just because they weren’t building mcmansions or condos on it doesn’t mean anything or give anyone the right to buy or take it.

All power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

If anything, this isn’t even close to better. This is worse. Much worse. Scuzzier and slimier worse. It’s like Steve Bannon took Trump to his hair stylist. 

Disney knows that they’ll either get their way or another state/country will throw money hand over fist for them to come film movies there.

You know what we needed? None of the Engineer backstory nonsense. Alien was at its best when it was a mysterious infestation that took out some more powerful alien ship and one person (then three people and a robot) barely survived the encounter. There’s a terror in a mystery that just wants to kill you that is far

Drivers use their own cars and pay for all the expenses. Driver are 1099 so they also pay more taxes.

“Pro-life" only refers to white fetuses. 

That fetus was complicit in her crimes and warrants, and in fact, pulled a knife on the officer. The video won’t show it, but that doesn’t show what the officer saw. 

So the pro-lifers will demand the death penalty for the killing of an “unborn child”, right? They’ll also ban guns as a surgical instrument used in abortions, right?