
iMessage is literally the one thing Apple does well. I missed it too when I switched to Android. I pretty much stick with Android Messenger now which is ok... And Line for those of my friends that use them.

The whole iMessage thing amazes me. People actually can’t live without it. I know people that got an Android phone and then got into arguments with friends because they were left out of iMessage group chats and thought they were being shunned. Fucking batshit

NO. NO NO NO. You cannot pull this ‘MSM does it too’ bullshit. Omitting news stories is NOT equivalent to just making up stuff DELIBERATELY to get it shared by fuckwits.

This is what happens when Pharma companies are allowed to bribe doctors.

That said, this guy made his money by lying to people, so he gets zero pity from me.

I see what you did there.

I didn’t see that one. I’m guessing it doesn’t end well.

Nah, I can’t suspend my level of disbelief for something that dumb...

What about that time they put it behind a paywall, preventing their largest target audience from watching it while the rest of the world can?

I’ll watch it if it ever shows up on US Netflix. I’m not shelling out for another subscription service.

Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.

Because its a Samsung piece of crap... headphone jack is a beaten dead horse, let it go, past is the past... expandable memory, only need it if your device doesn’t come with enough... VR? Really... get a PROPER VR system... bigger screen, get a +, resolution doesn’t mean anything beyond a certain limit... Software

I’m not sure if it’s your sentence construction, but are you suggesting that software doesn’t matter much to the average user? I’d say that’s the main reason people choose one brand over another.

Or at least stop trying to be “cool” by using profanity in post titles.

A Ts Madison video in the comments on a Gizmodo post? I never thought I’d see the day...

Why are you here?

Please. No one is going to lose their jobs, and it probably won’t even be mentioned. It didn’t work, so they went to the backup, which worked perfectly. The horror!

Well try to choke it back down, because you’ve got at least 24 more hours of coverage and you don’t want to just be throwing up bile.

Fucking China...

That was like 20 years ago now, I think.

I think he has basically literal full control over his body when in ice form. I remember when Emma Frost mind swapped him she did things with his powers that he never contemplated to try, and I think she kinda gave him shit about it. Saying he didnt realize how powerfull he really was. I could be remembering wrong