
Hey, maybe some of us suffer from phallus rectangulus, ok?

How many people got clubbed to death with the andro-penis ?

Here is a thought; What if the person he transferred his mind into isn’t actually Professor X’s Twin, What if he actually has been using his powers to make everyone see him as he originally was but looks completely different otherwise.

Wasn’t the body he transferred his consciousness into was of his twin brother’s who became Braindead at birth because an infant Xavier accidentally used his powers on him?

More please..

So, why exactly did you write this article? Did you have a quota of crap you had to put up today or something?

The site speculates that as the registry is a smaller number than that given to the U.S.S. Enterprise in the original series—NCC-1701—it could indicate, as many have speculated before, that Discovery is set in some of the earliest days of the franchise (but presumably after the Federation’s origin in Enterprise).

It *is* her turn.

I don’t think she’s Hulk angry, she’s just regular angry and is also a Hulk.

Reminds me of SilverHawks...hopefully I’m not the only one that remembers that one from the 80's

Boob armor.....why!?!?!

Why are you posting pictures of Video Head Cleaner?

Turning poppers into what now?!

“No one is impressed by your dumb choreographed videos, OK Go.”

Nothing to see here, people! Move along!

Did you just type that?

They’ll be able to tell a response is canned because it’ll be capitalized, spelled the standard way and punctuated.

Shit is hitting the fan already in Iceland for our prime minister. Protests, shutting down of large sections of downtown around the parliament.

Maybe next time just review the product instead of lamenting how disappointed you are in Apple adding a non-flagship to the iPhone line. Did you cry this much when they launched the iPod mini or iPad mini?