
You do not refer to someone you’re just introduced to by their first name unless they give you permission to do so.

Why yes, they do.  Who introduces anybody without a first name these days? Nobody, that’s who.

Ahh, the “you're taking it out of context" gambit. A true classic!

You would have to SHOW compassion for people to see it.

The company issued the family an apology, and said they will use the incident as a training tool, and this is not what we are about.... Of corse not, because they got found out, so the ‘training tool’ bollocks gets rolled out. This is what they were doing, deliberately, because it could not happen accidentally.

I ain’t going to lie, my anxiety was so high before I started to watch, I had to bust out the wine.

In a vacuum I agree it is good TV. The timing of it coming out sucked to no fault of its own, Lovecraft Country was better and in one episode covered what Them did in 10.

Yep, I find it funny they severed ties but if they had black care takers, they would lose money because racism that is the white karens.

Kids R’ Kids severed ties with the Roswell location

Kids ‘R Kids...unless they’re Black, apparently. 

sounds like the movie suburbicon but in greater detail than the movie.

Georgia is the Dollar General Florida 

I’m on ep. 4 now as I had been awaiting its arrival for a few weeks to help with my Lovecraft withdrawal. It’s good. Very good. Less open minded white folk will not believe these things happen- and continue to happen. The acting is excellent and I truly am enjoying the ride with no idea how it will end. I’m sure the

Not on the topic, but I can’t find anywhere on the Root or subs about Amazon’s “THEM.” This series is fucking spectacular so far - and I can’t BELIEVE nobody here is writing about it! It’s LITERALLY the most necessary television! It is a ‘horror-suspense’ series that makes you basically live (so, understandable some

So, would old bigots dying off fix this? (Hint: NO)

Agreed. It wasn’t even like they segregated the tables. The kids were all mixed up — they were obviously giving food to the white kids before the black kids.

Stop giving white racist garbage, money. They deserve none of it.

I searched hard for a home setting with Black people (which was harder to find since I live in the suburbs) for the infant and toddler foster babies I would be getting. My friends with kids said I was being too picky and a center would be fine but I was adamant because there was no way I wanted white people to be

Because of course, Georgia. Fucking Georgia.

what stood out to me since i saw the video & statement a few days ago was nobody has YET to say what really was going on! just on and on about perception. well say what actually happened then! and one of those tables if memory serves me right everybody at the table had food except the black child at the table, in