
::pausing to comment::

No he didn't get it at all.  His recreating the panels was just mimicry.  Any filmmaker could do that with a decent DP and art director.  

Yeah, I have seen that clip... and the entire run of that series several times. Again, that’s just his tag line to create the image of vengeance...just like how he adopted the image of a bat to instill fear... but what most don’t understand is that he really just uses that as a tool to get justice... not vengeance.

I’m not saying that never happens, but it’s also quite possible that two different writers can have two different opinions, yet both write for the same company, as well.

This right here!!! The DC heroes are more like archetypes for people to look up. Snyder doesn’t get it or runs it through his Ayn Rand worship and we end up with...

I find myself saying I don’t really like AoU or it’s not really a very good movie, but when I watch it, I love each PART of the movie.

I kind of felt like somewhere in the back of his head, he almost sort of vaguely got the Watchmen? That may have just been a by-product of the shots that were direct recreations of panels from the comic though.  But then he also includes scenes with the characters kicking wire-fu ass and taking names which... kind of

He wants vengeance like he wants to turn into a bat. That is just how he uses fear as weapon against the criminals... by invoking the idea of vengeance in them, the fear of murderous wrath... If he wanted vengeance he would be murdering people left and right to get vengeance for his parents. Instead he turns them

Have you read his Wonder Woman screenplay? It’s mind-bogglingly sexist and treats Diana as a constant token of lust in its very descriptions. She’s basically a fighting ****toy for Steve Trevor.

Snyder’s real problem is he fundamentally doesn’t understand the characters or the subject matter in his films. He didn’t understand the point of Rorschach (not a hero) or the watchmen (a story expressly against the idea of heroes). He doesn’t understand Superman (the pure ideal), Batman (a character who wants

(James Gunn, aside, maybe but that seemed more Disney than Marvel)

What’s super weird about this is Joss wrote an entire Wonder Woman screenplay (which itself was terrible), so I don’t know why he would even need to use Natasha’s character beats.

Growing up, DC heroes always seemed closer to pure heroes than, say, the X-Men who always came off as real people with real problems/dramas compounded by superpowers. Superman as the ideal of courage and self-sacrifice for the good of humanity, Batman as the silent avenger working behind the scenes to stop crime,

I actually read it as he mixed it up because his original character beats for Diane were written for Natasha. Someone was DEFINITELY falling on Natasha’s chest, for sure. 

Whedon’s a scumbag, but I think Age of Ultron is better than its rep, even before the new lights shone on it through WandaVision. For all the messy production behind it, and it can definitely bleed through at times, the story still hangs together pretty well, I still laugh a lot with it (the party scene is still one

I rewatched AoU for WandaVision and it is true that it is better than I remember it being. But I remember it being pretty awful. I think people take the fact that it wasn’t actually a flaming trash heap to claim it was a good movie. And it really wasn’t. Some really great bits were there (James Spader was perfect as

I don’t get the hate for AoU. I thought it was pretty damn good, especially considering all the extra story bits that had to get shoehorned into it to pave the way for future projects.

Not that I’m a Whedon fanboy or anything, guy is probably a creep, but Age of Ultron was a lot better than any of the DC stuff and a lot better than some give it credit for. As for who fucked up JL... it’s pretty obvious that Zack Snyder can’t make a good film to save his life... soooo...

Ah, modesty...My mother told me that will soon go out of the window. And so will your dignity and we are the most self-conscious people on the planet.