
Like Ms Democracy. A superhero that doesn’t use the traditional “Mrs.” and then it goes downhill from there. She robs rich gun owners and uses the money to pay for abortions. A horrible character, by all accounts, a rogue, a rake!

The horror!

 Right?? Like literally the only reason I want that Section 31 spinoff to still happen is because of her. 

It’s impossible for Yeoh to look uncool. She even made playing Space Hitler seem kind of awesome. And she ate a sentient being onscreen. 

If they can nail you with a crime, they’d try and hit your mama for giving birth to you

It's almost like they turned the gun on themselves. Even after doing 20 to life, no one is welcoming a black man with a record back to society. Can’t vote, rent an apt, get food stamps, get a job. Then you owe the state a whole bunch of fines. 

Yup. It was one thing my grandmother made clear to me, and my friends grandmothers made clear to them. If you do -anything- with other POC illegal, it does not matter unless you left the moment they were doing crimes and went right to the cops about it, everyone’s getting the book tossed at them and -everyone- is

I got to give the wealthy, corporations and some in the media credit, they used their money and power to convince workers unions are corrupt and that they don’t need them because the market forces of capitalism will take care of them. Right now they need workers but wages are staying stagnate.
I don’t have a dog in

Yeah, no judgement here. If I have to choose between McD’s and BK, it’s BK all day.

Also, fuck this lady, imagine catching a felony charge over a fucking fast food tomato.

Yeah, people are so close to getting it, but then they blame the pittance the government gives you, instead of the mega-corp who has made massive profits for decades by underpaying and exploiting their workers.

Whoppers used to be great, but they are bland trash now. The tomato is nice, though.

The big lie now being told for the thousandth time in my lifetime is people don’t want to work because they’re getting a Gummit check. Who it their right mind would want to work with the public these days. Throwing things, yelling slurs at people making a little more than minimum wage, and some being attacked by guns

Complaining about a tomato slice when you’re about to scarf down some mystery meat is as crazy as she looks

What kind of R. Kelly bullshit is “tomato too thick?” Next she’s going to complain her milk is too cold.

This picture is “I want to speak to your manager NOW” come to life as a miserable person

Putting aside the racist slurs, I just can’t imagine getting myself so worked up over a fast food order. You are getting a cheap meal served to you by underpaid and often undertrained workers, I’m happy to get what I ordered 50% of the time.  Loosing your marbles over an offensive tomato slice at BK, what is wrong

The Whopper is the best fast food burger out there. The only one that doesn’t need cheese to make it good. The tomato slice is part of this wonderfulness.

I’m with you up until the last bit. They’ve made me realize that some people aren’t worth caring about, and just have no good in them. Those people don’t deserve my mercy. I honestly hate to say it, but I’m actually coming around on the death penalty for certain people because of it.

Oh yeah, if those racist POSs are blowing kisses at protesters as they arrive to answer for their crime, there’s no way they’ve any room in their tiny hearts or minds for remorse.

I can understand and empathize.  Get them to also watch Netflix’ TWO DISTANT STRANGERS, it’s a 35 min short film, Oscar nominated for 2021, and it deals with the same, but very tight and specific to police and black males violence.  It’s also not full of that sense of almost VR verisimilitude so it may be much easier