
So they can screw but they’re not allowed to commit? That seems pretty convenient for them and honestly, it feels wrong to me.

IMHO, that was not the case at all in the original films. Lucas pushed the Force in that direction with the Prequels, and I never liked it. His concept of the Force was initially to be a boiled down and very simplified version of religions, but the “we’re not allowed to love” thing introduced in AotC is not subtle at

If they do have a relationship, at least that will counter the whole Jedi-can’t-have-love-relationships thing from the Prequels, which I thought was skewing the Force too close to certain religious doctrines.

Indeed, I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment and feel exactly the same. I have no interest in seeing RotS because it’s simply impossible for that one film to make sense out of the contradictory chaos of TFA and TLJ. Abrams does NOT have the storytelling capability to pull that off, and I sincerely doubt that

I guess we see these things differently.

Hmm, but did Luke really start down the dark path? He was certainly presented as strongly considering murder, but at the last moment, he stopped.

Angry Luke could have been very interesting, but you really have to earn that, and neither JJ nor Rian seemed to able or willing to do that.

If they were going to go the route of having him broken down and defeated, then as you said, that would have required MUCH more story time to make plausible.

I’m having trouble parsing your response. First you say Yoda was not a liar, then you say he was until TLJ. I’m confused.

I’m SO glad! I tried several times to find your post, but I only had this excerpt of it and I always wanted to tell you how much I appreciated and respected the way you expressed your opinion.

Yes. If they were going to go this route, then they should have devoted an entire film to the seduction of Ben to the Dark Side so that we could see his turn away from the Light and also see how this would make Luke feel like a failure despite the fact that he redeemed Anakin and been able to resurrect the Jedi way. A

Whenever this subject comes up, I will always post this succinct breakdown of the problem with Luke’s arc, which was posted on this very site by another user when TLJ came out.

I completely agree with everything you stated.

It’s exactly how I feel about the film as well. Watching someone suffer to the point of a psychotic break should not be funny because that undermines the importance of the message regarding how mental illness is often ignored in this country and how difficult it is to have

Waiting over thirty years to bring a suit seems a bit. . .lazy?

The reactions that so many people have had to this film really are a testament to the power of the media to skew opinion on a subject before anyone has had the chance to examine the subject for themselves and make their own determinations. This is why I rarely listen to the news anymore. Almost none of it can be

There is no controversy. People with inflexible or insecure minds see something different and they poop their Pampers because they fear change.

Truly. I thought it was fantastic, one of the best DC movies ever, one of the best comic book movies ever and for the exact reasons you stated in one of your responses. It was risky, it have very few comic book elements or connections, and it was unflinchingly adult in its subject matter and performances.

The people

Totally agree. Philips basically made “Batman Begins” starring Joker.

I loved it.  There are so many little touches like that, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it references that were just enough.