
Those Star Wars posters are so elegant in their simplicity and yet very deep in their symbolism. I love how all are focused on the primary “teacher” of Luke in each film and how his time with them shapes his perspective and his path toward wisdom.

The fact that so many comments are decrying the lack of adherence to the comics only furthers my interest in this. DC tried to take the faithful approach many times previously and for the most part, they royally f*cked it up. When they didn’t, and let Snyder remix Superman’s origin, it was just a royal fuck-up with a

“Deep Impact” is the better film in nearly every way that I can recall. The characters are interesting and varied, the more realistic portrayal is far more immersive and the emotional resonance is much more potent because the story deals with grief and loss on multiple scales. The specter of world destruction is

Now playing

Right there with you. This series is, IMHO, the best thing to be done in the Star Wars universe outside of the original films and some of the early Lucasarts games.

I am SO happy to see the Hanoi episode in the top slot. The first time my wife and I watched it, we were happily weeping toward the end. The energy, the passion, the beauty, the darkness, the warmth, the joy suffused throughout that episode made my skin and soul feel ignited.

I was so aroused by everything that I

I definitely enjoyed Endgame more than Avatar, but I’m with on the whole meh-ness of this entire thing.

Creativity certainly felt lacking.  It’s like they thought just having another film would be enough, and with franchises that’s NEVER enough to make it worth seeing!

I agree, but for me, they just didn’t make it work with Freddy. I can’t explain why, but I was bored.

I don’t think that the recasting of Freddy Krueger was the problem, I feel like it had more to do with the fact that the tone of the remake was too much on horror and didn’t have many laughs to break the tension.

What platforms? Do I dare to hope that I can play this on my PS3?
I LOVE the Lego games overall, and I love replaying the Complete Saga, but it would be delightful to have new missions.

I’m right there with you. Mad Max Fury Road was f*cking AMAZING.

I feel like I’ve gone through the mill on this enough times to say that I just don’t see how this is going to work. How many times has any property/franchise gone back to the well DECADES later and been successful?

I think the multiple W graphic is very cool, but it seems to me that they are deliberately trying to obscure the actual colors of the suit. Also, it seems odd for her to have SO much armor everywhere except for her head.

I remember when MIIB was announced, and Linda Fiorentino wasn’t in it. I instantly lost most of my interest. For one thing, as you said, it would have been super cool to have a female agent. I would have loved to see their relationship grow, especially since Fiorentino’s character would be a great laid-back foil for J.

IMHO, the only reason that many people got itchy during the first film for more monster action was because the writers very stupidly decided to kill Bryan Cranston’s character WAY too early (or at all). Aaron Taylor-Johnson was NOT able to rise to the challenge of filling the void left by Cranston, who acted T-J

No one will ever convince me that the Engineers in ANY form were a good idea because their addition to this franchise ruined the mystery of the xenomorph. After four movies (or six depending on your perspective) the only mystery remaining is the origin of these creatures.

Ah, thank you! Haven’t seen the first Highlander in many moons, but I have been a big fan of Clancy Brown for a long time, especially as the voice of Mr. Krabs on Spongebob and for his horrific turn as the Captain of the Guards in “The Shawshank Redemption.”

Could not agree more with your last point. All the zippy choreography in the world WILL NOT make up for mediocre dialogue and spotty character “development.” The fight between Vader and Luke in ROTJ is a rousing emotional climax of three movies of building up to this penultimate moment. The fight in ROTS is so bland

I don’t know this reference.  Please enlighten me!

“I’m in disguise!”