
Context does matter, but you are picking and choosing what context matters to you. As it stands, white people wearing dark makeup to appear black is the continuation of a practice tied to the mocking of black people, and often enslaved Africans, in the US. That’s the context for this. More context for this, which a

Wow! That’s some serious white fragility on display there. I’m surprised it hasn’t devolved into froth-mouthed yelling of racial slurs.

I would have gone with “Honey, that ain’t sex talk; this is sex talk...” and given her a few tips. See how she dealt with genuine sex talk, bet she’d have combusted in embarrassment.

The ‘trained liars’ bit caught my ear, she’s clearly listening to white nationalist, Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson, hateful propaganda.

I just CANNOT understand how White People feel they can just speak like that to people. I mean EVERY. TIME. this happens I’m confused. How in 2018 ESPECIALLY with the call outs that have happened they STILL think they can do this.

Impugning the good name of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 

That is some dumbass behavior even by uptight white woman standards.

Is it really bullying? Okay, having that yelled at him probably isn’t pleasant, but it’s a heckle. He’s the one with the microphone, the decades-long stand-up career and the recent sex controversy, he had to have known this would come up at some point. 

In fairness to the woman, none of those are exactly as pithy or witty as “Get your dick out!”

“C.K. had come up to [his friend] at a comedy club, grabbed her by the back of the neck, leaned into her ear, and said ‘I’m going to fuck you.’”

he didn’t commit a crime or anything... It wasn’t criminally wrong or anything like that. 

Louis CK turned out to be a huge pile of shit. He needs to be reminded of that fact once in a while.

I guess comedy clubs are meant to be safe spaces for comedians.

Isn’t it terrible when people willingly perform actions, and then face the consequences of those actions?

I do believe regularly enacting textbook examples of sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment falls under the umbrella of “a crime or anything.”

THANK YOU!  How bad a comedian are you when you’re not even one bit prepared to zing back at the most obvious heckling you could possibly get?  Great comedian, my ass.

How could CK have not possibly anticipated this exact heckle at some point and have a comeback prepared?

The answer to all that and more re: Louis CK is “because he could”. Which is why this heckle was so great. He doesn’t give a fuck if you ask him how he could put people in a situation.

In all fairness, this is probably the first time a woman has asked him to.

Be careful when you tell Louis CK to “get your dick out” because he might actually do it.