Speaking from personal experience, he'll probably end up fired at the end of the year.
Speaking from personal experience, he'll probably end up fired at the end of the year.
Makes sense: nothing says “family values” like brutal violence, repetitive head trauma, and domestic abuse.
In a surprising development that shook Tesla investors anew, Elon Musk accused Guerrero of being a PEDo.
Didn’t you read the article? Obviously a flying fish.
I dunno, this sounds like a fluke.
I can’t wait to stream my Trails of Cold Steel playthrough where I talk to every NPC at least twice on every day, save scum so I can see all of the relationship-building scenes, and frequently do that thing where you go one way down a dungeon and after like twenty seconds go “wait, I think this is the critical path,…
If the A’s 17th best prospect turns out to be an all-star and front-runner for Rookie of the Year in 2 years, this will actually be a really good point!
I am from waukesha county. It is the fucking heart of darkness.
I wonder if M. Night is gonna pull some crazy/polarizing twist where they ARE actually comicbook characters. Or maybe just crazy.
31 dumb owners and 1 group of probably dumb shareholders.
I fully endorse whatever method they choose to make M:I movies, they’ve been fantastic recently.
Ferguson coverage by the people on the ground, without gatekeepers, justifies Twitter for me.
This guy would be abusing his kids, subscribers or no subscribers, unfortunately.
Remember back when stuff like Facebook and Youtube and Twitter all seemed like this wonderful new set of platforms that would enrich our lives and tie us as a species together in new and exciting ways as we exchanged ideas freely? How long was it before that went completely in the opposite direction and just started fe…
While I’m sure everyone (myself included) is on the “OMG, how is Fillion not Nathan Drake already!” bandwagon, let’s not overlook just how damned perfect Stephen Lang is as Sully. Now all they need to do is grab Claudia Black and they’re all set.
Next movie: “So, half of you have been erased...”?
So, nothing about the only one that was actually so important it was played in full in the next film, in the first Ant Man no less?
Sunday Comics is the precursor to the voight kampff test. If you say you like Life in Aggro, you’re a replicant.
You really don’t know what you’re talking about, but rather than start some sort of internet battle, let me try to help educate you on this particular topic:
I’m most likely going to be on the wrong side of history but I feel it’s equally dismissive to say that social media should just be accepted as the way things are. I’m not even out of my twenties and I find that barring the benefit of instant messaging (which exists in multiple other forms) and perhaps event…
Counterpoint: Those are fine names. Kayla and Kylie and Keely and Kendall aren’t any inherently sillier than Evelyn or Chloe or MARTHA!!
Maybe just let people name their kids what they want and stop projecting your own insecurities onto other people.