
Especially when they were apparently very well-established douchebags with a history of disrespecting public land.

My kid is 5, and I’m trying to get him into baseball. After running through some names with him a few months back, he decided his favorite player was Trea Turner because he’s young (like him) and fast (like a race car, his favorite thing).

I’m reading these comments and immediately picturing “Greg in accounting” is actually Greg Oden.

This season feels like a Nats fan found a monkey’s paw and wished that the team wouldn’t lose in the first round of the playoffs again.

The sequence where the hallway turns into an alley as you walk is still one of the most brilliant development/design tricks I’ve seen in a video game. Scarecrow always kept you guessing in that game, and I loved every moment, even if the end of each sequence was a pretty standard platforming level.

Persona 3's ending was right beside 5's, in my mind. Both offered an epic and intimate conclusion to their respective stories.

Eh, predictable. Just like his mom, he couldn’t resist the West.

Man so a witness who vouched for Winston during the rape case apparently lied his ass off to protect Jameis in the face of a sexual assault investigation.  I mean obviously these two things are unrelated 

Wait, so Darby hasn’t been suspended or fined? If it’s true that he lied — and maybe he came clean to the investigators once they actually asked him, who knows? — then it’s hard to see how he skates with anything less than the punishment Winston received. Maybe I’m just hyper-sensitive these days to the notion that

The Sphinx: [looks at the watermelon on Mr. Furious’ feet] I don’t remember telling you to do that.

But why was he wearing the watermelon on his feet??

“I did a business with Jameis Winston!” -- Vincent Adultman

If only the NFL and the Bucs had known that Winston was a scumbag before hiring him...oh, nevermind.

All of this feels so insane to me that I keep having to lay it out and see if it starts to make any more sense, and it never does: Winston was allowed to maintain his innocence

The NFL Did a Deal with Jameis Winston, Won’t Do a Deal with Colin Kaepernick

Trump inspired this shooting with his hateful rhetoric against the media to his base!

From Milo’s lips to this Second Amendment enthusiast’s trigger finger, it seems.

Well, a few days ago Milo Yiannopoulos told his followers to start gunning down journalists. Obviously we don’t know who the shooter is at this exact time, but if it turns out there’s a connection to Milo, it’s about time to launch that piece of shit into the fucking sun.  

Have they released the name of the Second Amendment activist who committed this shooting?  Or what regiment of the well-regulated militia he’s from?