
Yeah I read bullshit like this and think “I’ll remember this when a car full of bigots starts shouting at me sand n-word.” as I’m trying to get to my destination safely.

Yeah, this is a really privileged, I-got-mine kind of take. This just lets hateful people who are actively trying to cause you harm/pain/grief off the hook for their actions and changes nothing.

That’s an easy position to take from when you’re in a position of power. Words mean things. Words become actions. Actions have consequences, as do words.

I don’t know whether this guy was a veteran, but they’d better play “Taps” in double-time at his funeral.

I have a friend who FB reacted to a photo from a Hillary rally with a “sad” emoji. Posted about how she voted for her but felt “disgusted” afterwards and had to “hold her nose while pulling the lever.”

A lot of my guy friends told me I was crazy on election night because through my sobs I was saying “they’re going to take away our healthcare, they’re going to take away Roe, they’re going to take away gay marriage.” This shit is real, this shit has consequences.

They have voting rights on the docket for fall so it will be us blacks first.

While you’re at it, F*ck everyone who JUST DIDN’T VOTE in 2016.

Have you seen Schumer? He’ll give a long winding speech with his glasses low down on his nose and then cave like a Polish cavalry regiment facing down Panzerfuckingschafften in 1939. 

Game over. Conservatives won. First they’ll come for roe and then they’ll come for gay rights. 

I do not care if Schumer has to chain himself to the Senate floor to stop this.

Fuck everyone who didn’t vote for Clinton and fuck everyone who called women single issue voters.

I’ve daydreamed about quitting my job and going into some sort of advocacy work, but I think it might be time for it to become a reality. This country is about to get so much worse and we all have to do more to slow it down and maybe, possibly, by some slim chance, stop it. 

SCOTUS’ new collective attitude seems to be: Fuck all y’all.


Goodbye abortion rights...

All I can say to that is:

You’re sort of underselling the twitter bit, he actually teamed up with the upstanding folks at Wells Fargo, who paid him to announce his support for Mexico via a slick ad. Which, I mean, fair enough. The only actually bad bit of the whole affair was Donovan invoking the heritage of another player and bringing that

I totally get the reference but can’t really tell whether he’s clowning people that support Mexico or cool with it from this article even with the links to the other ones. Anyway, your username is pretty awesome.

But whatever the facts were unnerved the NFL and Friel enough that is now preparing to hand down a three-game suspension that still could be altered based on any last-minute findings.